December 17, 2011

Eugene Peterson, the author of the Message, published this year a memoir of his 25 plus years of pastoral ministry titled The Pastor. It might very well be my favorite book I read this year. It is is one I’m recommending whenever I talk to pastor friends. I just had a friend text me this morning that he started reading it because of my recommendation and was finding it helpful and inspirational. And just yesterday I was having coffee with... Read more

December 17, 2011

I now use an iPad for my preaching and teaching. Here are my top three apps that you need to have: 1. Logos Bible. On my iPhone or iPad I can access all of my Logos resources such as translations, lexicons, commentaries, and books such by touching the screen. Totally rocks. It is great in class, cause if I want to look up a Greek word on BDAG, it’s there. If I want to quickly check up on what what... Read more

December 17, 2011

Over at Dove Booksellers, items from Richard Longenecker’s personal library are available for purchase. It includes some older and even rare books that look like they’d be a good addition to any collection. Some of the volumes on offer include: (more…) Read more

December 16, 2011

British-born journalist and atheist writer Christopher Hitchens has passed away in Houston, Texas from a long illness with throat cancer. See the ABC News video and article here and the obituary in Vanity Fair. Any death is sad, more so when a man dedicates so much of his life to heaping scorn and mockery on the one person, Jesus Christ, who could have brought hope, peace, and victory over death for Hitchens. Read more

December 16, 2011

Bruce McCormack (Charles Hodge Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary) wrote this on FB about the utility of reading blogs. I reproduce it with permission: There was a time, not so long ago, when theological blogs had the capacity to educate, to push the boundaries in a healthy way, to teach me what the new generation was thinking and how best to address them. But I fear we have reached a turning-point. Now bloggers tend to confuse earnestness... Read more

December 16, 2011

It was ironically in a 1 Corinthians commentary, that I found this gem of a quote about Paul, apocalypticism, and salvation-history in Romans. Roy E. Ciampa and Brian S. Rosner (The First Letter to the Corinthians [PNTC; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2010], 10) write: The salvation-historical and apocalyptic perspectives are not, for Paul, two irreconcilable outlooks standing in unresolved tension. Instead, the two perspectives converge in Paul’s thought such that he regards the history of the particular nation of Israel... Read more

December 15, 2011

Over at Sydney Anglicans is a short but helpful article on 10 Steps to Better Preaching by Michael Kellahan. Well worth the read. In a nutshell, he argues: (more…) Read more

December 14, 2011

Check out this hilarious video from the Greek Bible College who found a creative way to deal with student over crowding. The Greek Bible College is told that they need to reduce the number of students, causing the teachers to take drastic measures (goes for 14 minutes). Read more

December 14, 2011

As I’m okay with paedo-communion, I was naturally intrigued to see that SPCK had published a picture book for children on Holy Communion. Its called Pray, Sing, Worship: A Picture Book for Holy Communion (London: SPCK, 2011). The illustrations are by Chantal Stewart and its a lovely book. I’ve read it to my kids (aged 11, 6, 2, 1) and we had a good discussion about worship, communion, and church. The book also includes an introduction to a liturgical Anglican church... Read more

December 13, 2011

Crossway College was blessed to have Prof. Craig Keener (Asbury Theological Seminary) visit both of our campuses earlier this year. Craig spoke about his forthcoming book on miracles which is now out. The title is Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts. I noticed that at Christianity Today, that there is an interview with Craig Keener about his book on miracles which documents much of the evidence for modern miracles. Here is part of the interview: (more…) Read more

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