by Chris Tomlin
“Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head.” The birth of Jesus was so humble and intimate. There was nothing noticeably unusual about him or his parents, nothing that would attract people to Him. (Isaiah 53:2) And yet, all these years later, the significance of His birth is still celebrated around the world. Why? Because Christmas is the story of God taking compassion on His creation by coming to us in the form of a child. It is the story of angels visiting people who could not have understood what God was doing without their help. It is the story of those who were once far off being brought near to God by the blood of Christ. (Eph 2:13)
Remember today what Christmas means. Return to familiar truths and rehearse the old story so that your celebration of Christmas would be marked by your worship of Jesus. Come, adore Christ for taking on flesh to reconcile us to God.
Chris Tomlin is a world-renowned music artist and worship leader. His latest Christmas album, Adore, is now available.