just life lately…

just life lately… June 26, 2009

—–I’ve been loving & I mean l-o-v-i-n-g spending more time with Ransom lately.  Jeez, he’s such a jewel.  I guess I didn’t realize quite how much I missed little man while spending so much time in classes & studying last semester.  Lately when I tell him what a precious boy he is to me, he says, “and your my precious woo-bin.” (woman)  He’s also taken to telling me a lot lately, “Mama, your as pity as a pin-cess.” (pretty as a princess).

—–I’m also bonding quite nicely with the boy within.  Maybe it helps that Ran & I talk about him quite often.  I guess the idea of Ran & him being friends has really warmed me up to the idea of his being a boy.  And then there’s that whole obvious fact that he’s living and moving in my belly & I’m just maybe instinctually falling in love with him.  I just feel so excited for him to get here.  Almost equally excited as when Dave & I will finally settle on a name for this little bean.

—–Part of the reason my blog has taken a back seat is because I’ve been cleaning out Ran’s room, washing 0-3 month baby clothes and trying to organize a very small bedroom for my two kiddo’s to live in.  My back has been hurting so bad!  The sciactic nerve pain is redonkulous, but the dull ache all day – oh for the love.  I don’t remember it hurting this bad with Ran –course I wasn’t lifting a 35 pound 3.5 yr. old AND I was working out 6 days a week.

—–I’m pouring through the Harry Potter series… like literally every free moment.  It’s so much better this time around knowing how it all ends & how J.K. Rowling managed to spread out her genius & her plan over 7 books.  Thank you, God for creating J.K. Rowling who created my Harry Potter.  I’m ready now to see movie 6 in the series.  (Books SO MUCH better than the movies, fyi)!

—–Watched *Australia* & *Bee Movie* while folding, labeling, stamping, sealing our InterVarsity newsletters.  Nothing to blog about… but I probably should anyways.  As of yet, I only have 1 movie out of several reviews I didn’t like.  Suffice it say, I didn’t like either of these movies.  So, Jerry Seinfeld & my beloved Baz Luhrman CAN do wrong after all.  Who knew?

—–Watched *The Proposal* the other day.  Loved!  So cute!  Love Sandra Bullock movies.

—–Had a great day with God today.  Every month I go see my spiritual director for an hr. (whose job it is to help direct me toward God) & then follow it with a 6-8 hr. retreat of silence with God doing reading, meditating, prayer & practicing silence.  All of that probably sounds so hoighty-toighty & overly religious but if you will extend me trust & believe me that it’s super cool!  My director really helped me to put words & feelings & understanding on this crazy experience of a Sabbatical that God gave me.  And then I just had this adrenaline filled day of interacting with God in ways I haven’t in ages.  I just love love love God.  I can’t quite articulate any more than that.  There just isn’t anything else in life I want more.  Not even Dave or my children.  I wish I could say more about the day, but it’s just way to personal.  I’ll save it for my book –where I’ll be embarressing myself in almost every chapter! 😉

—–Speaking of which, I made a renewed committment to God to get back to workin’ on! (my book that is)  I’ve realized I’ve let my being DEATHLY AFRAID OF FAILURE keep me from pursuing the call, the gift, the idea & the words that He’s given me to write.  I plunge forward into the icy waters of the unknown my friends….

—–Last but not least, Michael Jackson has died and I am sad.  He was a legend & a muscial genuis.  May he rest with God.

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