Fessing Up.

Fessing Up. August 30, 2009

*If your looking for my latest “Leadership Essentials” book club post on chapter 3 I’m a day late & a dollar short so expect it tomorrow*

It’s time to fess up:

1.  I only ever try to keep plants alive on our property because it makes me feel like some sort of suzie home-maker that I’m not.

2.  I usually kill said plants in record time.

3.  When I’m feeling hopeless about things I often want to blow stuff up.  People. Countries. Continents, etc.

4. One time I watched 4 movies in one day.

5.   I haven’t taken a shower in over a year.  I do take baths though.  This is mostly because I’m too lazy to stand up for an extra 15 minutes a day.

6. One time I ate a whole bag of powdered donuts over the course of 12 hours.  It was either very recent or a long time ago.  I don’t remember.  donuts_1809

7.  I’d really like to put both our cats to sleep mostly because one keeps pee-ing on my clothes & seemingly becoming an inconvenience to my entire life.  The other one I only want to kill so she won’t be lonely.  Hey, at least I don’t want to blow them up.

8. I believe I’ve fostered an addiction to playing Settlers of Catan/Cities & Knights online.  I just can’t stop!

9.   I used to use Limewire.  Now I’ve changed my foolhardy ways.

10.  I still struggle to floss my teeth daily.  I’m sure my teeth will rot in hell.

What about you–need to confess, my friends???

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