Heaviest Packer on Earth

Heaviest Packer on Earth September 16, 2009

This suitcase is certified as the world's largest by the Guinness World Records
This suitcase is certified as the world's largest by the Guinness World Records

When it comes to packing I am the worst!

Yep, I’m the girl who has to pay extra in the terminal for extra weight, and that was back when 75 pounds was standard, not 50!

I’m the girl who had to unpack 10 outfits (yes, 10) for our honeymoon because my luggage didn’t have wheels & it was literally too back-breaking for my new hubby to carry.

I’m the girl whose had to shamefully take things out in front of everyone to add items to an all ready overstuffed carry on.

I’m the one everyone always makes fun of on my InterVarsity trips because hands down I have the most luggage.

You’d think maybe it was because I come off a Ms. Priss, girly-girl.  Not so.  It’s because I lack the chip in my brain which helps with two things: how to organize a suitcase & how to decide what to wear in advance.

If I had the world’s largest suitcase I probably wouldn’t be able to fill it properly!

A few years ago, I was the emcee for a National InterVarsity conference.  Given that I was going to be on stage every day, for every session I wanted to know exactly what I was going to be wearing down to the undies.  This crazy thing happened: I packed light!  There was not 3 options for every day with an alternating pair of shoes for each outfit.  I forced myself to pack 5 days worth of cute yet casual business attire with two pairs of comfy heels & flats.  My suitcase was small.  It was at first worrisome, i.e. “How could this be?  Surely, I must have forgotten something.”  It was an epiphany of all epiphanies!

Anyway, today I came across this great blog post about a woman who managed to take a 2 week trip to Greece with just a carry-on & a lap-top bag!  She posts the pictures of each day & each outfit & all I can say is, “wow!” From a fashion perspective, a packing perspective & a woman’s perspective, I, Grace Biskie am deeply impressed. What do you think?  Aren’t all her outfits fantastic?  And what great planning ahead!

I can only hope that one day I too can dress this cute with as little a load.

How about you, what’s your packing skills -or lack thereof- like?

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