
Random December 11, 2009

~My mom called me today to ask for my help to get her “off of that facebook” where she is sure that something really bad will come of it.  Now, this is a long ways from the days she called the entirety of the internet, “the yahoo.”  It feels like at least 1/2 of my mother’s generation embraces the information age & the other half are convinced it’s all a big evil plot.  In 35 years what will my response be to new technology?  I wonder.  I imagine frustration because I’m sure I’ll not be able to figure any of it out without reading a book called, “Embracing New Technology for the Old-Timers of the Generation X Era.”

~It’s been difficult to stay disciplined on the Babywise system for Rhys because the child suffers from severe gas pains.  How could I possibly allow him to cry it out when he’s clearly in pain?  It’s so sad to see him moan & groan in pain night after night.  Pray for my little Reeserton.

I'm sad when my belly hurts :(
I'm sad when my belly hurts 🙁

~Dave & I are in the thick of our year-end newsletter that we send out to the families and Churches that prayerfully & financially support us.  It generally takes about 30 combined hours from start to finish, which is why I don’t do Christmas cards –I’m so overwhelmed by 300 + person mailings!  (We do 4 a year).  Anyway, yesterday my job was to stamp & label.  That took me 4 hours, so I got to watch “Good Will Hunting,” & “Sliding Doors.”  Two oldie but goodies.  Tonight, we’ve got another 4-6 hours. ay ay ay.

~I’m hungry.  Hungry.  All the time hungry.  I knew I had decreased appetite after Rhys was born, probably due to the baby blues, but I didn’t know just how decreased it was until it got back to normal.  Oh, for the love, I can’t stop eating.  I may have dropped the 35 pounds of baby weight all ready, but I betcha $5 I put at least 5 pounds back on with this crazy appetite.  I’m just so hungry!

Back to folding, stamping, labeling, newsletters…


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