Finish this Sentence…

Finish this Sentence… May 13, 2010

panera_breadIf you were to give me $1,000.00 to spend at any one establishment I could spend it EASILY at…

My answers…

I have to admit.  I love Panera… the bread, the warm muffins, the toasted baglels, the awesome variety of sandwiches, the gooey mac-n-cheese, the frozen frappe’s, the carmel lattes…

…maybe about $500 pretty easily in about 10 months.


But, if I had a $1,000 gift card I could drop it EASILY in at none other than “Narnes & Marbles,” (what Ransom calls it.  Previously “Boones & Noobles.”)

I heart Barnes & Nobles so much.  The endless array of book titles typically leaves me salivating and wanting a bottomless book budget.  But then they also have all the cool/pretty/fashionable office equipment & the BEST artsy-fartsy journals –not to mention movies & music galore.

(Best Buy or Target could also get up in the top 3 pretty quickly!) 🙂

What about you?  Where could you drop a g just-like-that?


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