“Are ‘Vowed Friendships’ Really What We Need?”: Wesley Hill

“Are ‘Vowed Friendships’ Really What We Need?”: Wesley Hill October 4, 2014

rounds up some links. Comments also worth reading; I’m most sympathetic to the first comment, but others raise important points, including the stuff I talked about in that “Captive Virgins” post:

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I wrote an article for Christianity Today on friendship, basically making the case that we ought to be able to think of our Christian friendships as more significant, committed, public, and permanent than we usually do.

Well, since then, Matthew Lee Anderson has offered a different perspective on his blog. Furthermore, he and his friends devoted an episode of their podcast to talking about the issue, and you can listen to that here.

Now, most recently, the really thoughtful Alastair Roberts has written up his thoughts on the issue, and, as usual, I think they’re worth reading in full.


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