Three Gay Catholic Links

Three Gay Catholic Links October 20, 2014


First, I’m in Brazil’s Gazeta do Povo. If you can read Portuguese you can get my basic shtik in a whole new language!

Second, Slate has another thoughtful piece on celibate gay Catholics up, which extensively quotes my friend Ron Belgau:

At the end of October, the University of Notre Dame will host a two-day conference bearing a name that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. “Gay in Christ” will feature Catholic speakers who self-identify as gay and lesbian, along with allies who are actively seeking more inclusive pastoral strategies for dealing with the LGBTQ faithful. The conference’s opening remarks and final presentation will be given by one of those allies, Professor John Cavadini, a former chair of Notre Dame’s department of theology who was appointed to the International Theological Commission, a select group that advises the pope and his bishops on theological matters, by Pope Benedict.

Signs and signals that the church may be shifting its position on homosexuality always make headlines, but behind the scenes, the church is actively searching for new ways to address LGBTQ issues. More often than not, church leaders turn to celibate gay Catholics to help them find a way forward. “There are a lot of people realizing that the condemning approach was not working and was not a good reflection of Christian love or charity,” Ron Belgau, who runs the celibate Christian blog Spiritual Friendship and is scheduled to speak at the Gay in Christ conference, told me. “A lot of people are interested in talking to celibate gays about [other approaches].” Although they don’t share all the values of secular LGBTQ activists, celibate gays serve as advocates for the worth and dignity of LGBTQ people and their relationships in a context where outside activists are still viewed with suspicion and hostility.


And third, A Queer Calling has a very generous review of my new book!

A great deal of our life together as a celibate couple has been seeking God’s will for how we are to love the world around us. Tushnet emphasizes what happens when celibate people say “Yes” to God and offers an authentic discussion of the various ups and downs associated with celibate ways of life. LGBT people exploring the possibilities of celibacy will be inspired by this book’s focus on all the ways God says, “Yes.”


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