“We Find Corpses: 5 Weird Truths of Cleaning Port-a-Johns”: Cracked, Again

“We Find Corpses: 5 Weird Truths of Cleaning Port-a-Johns”: Cracked, Again June 24, 2015

Sorry to do this twice, but their personal-experience articles are such a mixed bag that I feel obligated to note when they find a real, uh, hidden gem:

If you were an alien sent to Earth to study humans, what one profession would give you the best insight into how people work? Beat cop? Trash collector? Phone sex operator? Well, we’ve got a candidate here you would have never picked: The guy who cleans your port-a-potties.

We talked to a guy who, every day, is elbow-deep — sometimes quite literally — in all your dirty little secrets, and he had amazing things to say:


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