“The Gay Christian Drinking Game”: My new book excerpted at Christians for Social Action

“The Gay Christian Drinking Game”: My new book excerpted at Christians for Social Action January 20, 2022

plus a brief interview:

I am a recovering alcoholic; by God’s unexpected mercy I’ve been freed from the destructive habits that go along with alcoholism. But I have not been freed from the fun habits—like thinking of everything in terms of a drinking game.

The following game is composed entirely of true stories: things that really happened to gay Christians I know, people who accepted their church’s sexual ethic and sought to be obedient to it. Almost all of them happened to several people. Some of them happened to a majority of us.

Obviously, don’t actually, you know, play this as a drinking game. But as you knock back your shots of grape juice, or whatever, you may still find your vision blurring as a distorted and monstrous figure slowly appears, flickering on the edges of sight: the hallucinated version of God, which is one symptom of long-term addiction to American Christianity.

The good news is, that god isn’t real.

The bad news is, I bet a lot of you still see him when you close your eyes.

Take a drink if . . .


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