December 21, 2003

I know a girl from a lonely street,

Cold as blogwatch, but still as sweet…

About Last Night: Terry Teachout quotes the best passage from CS Lewis’s best work: “All reality is iconoclastic. The earthly beloved, even in this life, incessantly triumphs over your mere idea of her. And you want her to; you want her with all her resistances, all her faults, all her unexpectedness. That is, in her foursquare and independent reality. And this, not any image or memory, is what we are to love still, after she is dead.”

Hit and Run: Libya disarms. Dominos going click-click-click?

Marriage Movement: “Home is the place where you begin when you ask ‘Who am I?’ ‘Where did I come from?’ Having two homes oriented around two separate poles of mom and dad means the child travels between two wholly differentiated spheres of moral and spiritual meaning. The parents do not communicate or seek accord on these core issues anymore, but the child still looks to both of them at the first and most important role models for how to think and what to believe. The child must seek, alone, to make sense of all the differences that he or she observes in the parents and develop his or own identity and value system much more independently than children of intact families — who live in one home — must do.”

Oxblog: Law books to Iraq.

NYTimes: Bush was right on Libya.

And if I said this, you’d all hate me: “Homosexuals can always tell tinsel from gold, they just prefer the tinsel.” Do I get away with it by saying I think there’s something intensely attractive and human there?

December 16, 2003

“DONNIE DARKO”: Saw this movie on Friday with Tepper, an anarchocapitalist for marriage, and Mrs. Shamed. (Tepper: “So… we’ve got a conservative, an anarchocapitalist, and a radical federalist.” What better group to see a movie about a giant apocalyptic rabbit?)

Anyway. I’m still not sure whether “DD” made any sense. Apparently this site OOPS! this site! offers some guidance. I will say that I am really, really, REALLY looking forward to seeing it again. It feels sprawling or sloppy in structure, but I’m pretty sure every moment was crafted to advance the point–whatever that point was! The main thing I’m still trying to figure out is what the $#@! was up with Jim Cunningham and his final fate, so if you have theories on what happened to him and how it plays into the main questions of the movie, send ’em along.

I described “DD” to Ratty as “a perfect late ’80s/early ’90s teen-rebellion flick–like ‘Heathers’ or ‘Pump Up the Volume’ only much better–crossed with a Christian or quasi-Christian apocalyptic movie.”

Her response: “So basically this was the movie of your life, then?”

Yeah. I’ve gotta see this again.

December 16, 2003

I have only come here seeking knowledge,

Things they would not teach me of in blogwatch…

[Are those really the lyrics? “Things they would not teach me of in college”??? I thought it was the much-less-stupid “things they would not teach me back in college.” Points off, “Sting.” (“Sting”?) (“Hannnnsel?”–prize to whoever gets that one.)]

After Abortion: More on post-abortion grief–don’t try to go it alone; and more on post-abortion depression: “Sarah Stoesz of Planned Parenthood indicated in her letter to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune that ’10 percent of women who have abortions experience depressive symptoms of a lingering nature.’

“I could have gone on to include her claim, as per her linked letter, that a similar percentage of women who give birth experience lingering depression.

“I also could have pointed out that both of her claims are unsupported by current research….” more

MarriageMovement: Besides the usual Marquardtly goodness, there’s a series of sharp posts from Tom Sylvester on Strom Thurmond and his daughter: “He paid his daughter to deny her own father. For over 60 years. And it was his fault that she would have been poor in the first place.” Public image, limited. And Thurmond as illegitimate father.

The Volokh Conspiracy: Randy Barnett on the Ninth Circuit decision, based on Commerce Clause, invalidating prohibition of medical marijuana. I don’t pretend to understand the commerce clause; on first glance this looks like the right call, and certainly I’m happy about the policy outcome.

And it’s a beautiful day/For an Otto-da-Fe.

December 8, 2003

Ask not what you can do for your blogwatch;

What’s your blogwatch been doing to you?…

The Agitator: Frogs made out of pork. For the bulging “Politicians Are Insane” file.

Journalista!: Ranty column on what’s wrong with the comics industry. I have some rambly personal stuff to say about this later, but for now I’ll just say that the first half of the essay really interested me because it details the emergence and collapse of a monopoly in the absence of government manipulation of the market. Really nice econ case study, I should think.

Krubner: Why can’t conservatives get the courts they want? (good question); and he comments on a good piece by Virginia Postrel, about “relationship capitalism” (basically, the small-town model) and how it holds people and countries back.

Mark Shea: Recommend children’s books! I’ve already linked to my Crisis magazine piece on the subject (“Outside Narnia: Christianity and children’s fantasy,” about how the non-Christian fantasy books I read as a kid influenced my conversion) in his comments box.

Noli Irritare Leones: Several helpful and informative links on the Terri Schiavo case and its repercussions; excellent post on men, women, and divorce, in which Lynn smacks some very silly things said by Wendy McElroy. Marriage-movement-type people should definitely check that post out.

Tushnet: Yes, my sister also blogs. Intellectual-property law, copyright, trademark, and assorted whatnot, plus sense of humor. Click now and beat the rush!

Unqualified Offerings: Lots of posts about cover songs (here’s an old list from me and here’s one from Kesher Talk); good, basic, growly “where are the WMDs?” post taking down stuff said by a former Iraqi lt. col.

December 3, 2003

I’LL COME SPEAK: Do you attend or work at a Catholic university? Would you be interested in hearing me speak on same-sex marriage? (Pretty much any aspect thereof.) If so, please get in touch with me at Thanks!

(Here’s a roundup of a bunch of stuff I’ve written on SSM.)

December 3, 2003

GAY IS THE NEW BLACK: That’s what we’re discussing on MarriageDebate–the frequent comparison between interracial marriage and same-sex marriage. Come join us.

December 1, 2003

Susie then removed her mask and caused a mighty stir;

The angry blog responded, taking turns at watching her…

Krubner has a horde of interesting posts on marriage up right about now.

Oxblog: Translate the Federalist Papers into Arabic. Yes.

The Head Volokh: Why I don’t have comments.

Hitchcock’s fetishes–photo essays on houses, staircases, women’s hair, hands, eyes, and more. This looks like fascinating stuff, though I haven’t had time to do more than glance at it yet. Via Relapsed Catholic.

And speaking of, here’s a neat thing about the “voyeuristic” quality of Gilbert Hernandez’s Palomar stories, from A.K. of the hilarious “Title Bout.” His take on Palomar starts here. Via Alan David Doane.

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