April 16, 2002

REPLY RE CLONING: From Ananda Gupta. You can read it here. My reply follows: Thanks for the reply. Two quick points about the legal penalties for abortion: 1) There’s a distinction between things that are immoral and things that should be made illegal (obviously). Some embryo-killing may be more amenable to criminalization than others. That shouldn’t change whether we believe that embryos shouldn’t be killed, whether embryos are individual human lives worthy of protection, etc. I didn’t point out, though... Read more

April 16, 2002

I DON’T THINK INSTAPUNDIT wants this judge determining what “makes sense”… Read more

April 16, 2002


April 16, 2002

INSTAPUNDIT ON JUSTICE WHITE: Reynolds champions the idea that “the law should make sense.” No complaint here. But when that principle is used to justify courts striking down laws because they don’t understand the motivation behind the laws–“Only a bigot could like this law!” or “I don’t get it”–doesn’t that essentially allow judges to overturn laws at will? In fact, it creates an incentive to pretend that one’s opponents are unreasonable even if you believe they’re not. Ex.: Congress bans... Read more

April 16, 2002

“THE ABORTIONIST’S HORSE“: That’s the title of a short story by Tanith Lee that I read recently. Like much of her fiction, it’s dark and slightly overwritten–but also effective. I was choking back tears well before the end. The story startled me, since it appeared in the fourteenth edition of The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, ed. Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling. As far as I know, Datlow and Windling are standard-issue feminists–I’ve read several collections they’ve edited, including a... Read more

April 16, 2002

THE ONLY POST I WILL MAKE ON CLONING: First, if you want my take on it, check the links-list to your left. Second, I’m sure Ramesh Ponnuru will get around to this eventually, but here’s my take on the only actual argument put forward by a pro-cloning blogger so far in this round. (Oh, and before I get there, Virginia Postrel today strongly implies that there’s no point in having these arguments because none of us will change our minds.... Read more

April 16, 2002

And pretty girls watch blogs… (In honor of the Most Influential Artists Ever–link via E-Pression.) Ted Barlow: Good points on polling, esp. the fact that polls don’t necessarily lead to more direct democracy/less leadership. Poll-heavy presidents can make unpopular decisions; presidents can also use polls to present their unpopular positions “in a way that insults your intelligence less,” as Barlow says. Also, IF YOU CAN GIVE BLOOD, CLICK HERE. Don’t Be A Shamed: Drink and thrive; excellent post on suicide... Read more

April 16, 2002

“Who is that citizen?” “That’s my next-door neighbor.” “He looks as though his mind could stand a little laundering.” –John McGuire and extra, “Stranger on the Third Floor” Read more

April 15, 2002

WHERE I LIVE, IT’S ALWAYS HALLOWEEN: Actual things said while watching “Halloween” this past Friday: Me, on the idiot psychologist’s plan to tell no one about the killer’s return to his hometown, because Only The Authorities Can Be Trusted To Protect Us!!!: “This is very pre-September 11.” Me: “When knitting needles are outlawed, only Michael Myers will have knitting needles.” Shamed: “Not making sure Michael Myers is really dead–the fatal conceit!” Shamed: “No!! Don’t leave him there!!! Finish him off!!!... Read more

April 15, 2002

Para bailar la blogwatch, Para bailar la blogwatch, Se necesita una poca de gracia… Christian Solidarity International: Attempts to refute charges that many “redeemed” (=bought and freed) slaves in Sudan and Mauritania were actually faking enslavement to get money. Haven’t read the documents yet, will report back when I get a chance, but for the moment I’ll just repeat the basic reason to mistrust CSI on this one: Supply and demand. If you pay for slaves, as the “redeemers” do... Read more

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