March 8, 2002

AWESOME MOVIE: Saw “The Bat Whispers” last night. 1930 suspense-farce, possibly the inspiration for Batman. Go see it if you ever get the chance. It’s really funny, and although the use of models is pretty obvious, the camera angles and vertiginous swooping shots are dramatic and thrilling–more so than many of the “experimental” shot techniques you’d see today. There’s a strong hint of German Expressionism, too–lightning, darkness, trees, stark black shapes, grim men. The twist ending is telegraphed well before... Read more

March 8, 2002

“They want you to talk on the crisis of faith.” “What’s that?” “Oh, I thought you’d know. You’re the writer.” –Wilfrid Hyde-White to Joseph Cotten, “The Third Man” Read more

March 7, 2002

TEACHER LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE: I found this course syllabus randomly, while looking for something else. Yeah, I know, there’s tons of stuff like this out there, and it’s not like this class is being taught at Brown–but what’s up here? Why would anyone teach a course on rhetoric–the art of persuasion–that gives credence only to one massively slanted side in every issue? How does that actually teach students to persuade? OK, so I hope that was my last predictable... Read more

March 7, 2002

MORE ON MOVIES: Nifty Frederica Mathewes-Greene essay on The Women of Disney (includes one of the best opening lines of an essay I’ve seen), and, because this has to be here, Jonah Goldberg’s G-File on the most conservative line in “Animal House.” What a fun, fun movie. Read more

March 7, 2002

ENTER STAGE RIGHT: Charles Murtaugh probably didn’t realize what he was letting himself in for when he asked for suggestions of “conservative movies.” He linked to this list from NRO, but any list that cites the Star Wars trilogy as the beginnings of a movie revival–how can I say this nicely?–sucks. I can’t comment on the list’s content, since I’ve only seen three of the 81 movies it names. (“It’s a Wonderful Life,” #33, “Ninotchka,” #48, and “Ghostbusters,” #78.) But... Read more

March 7, 2002

“You make me sick to my stomach!” “Yeah? Well, use your own sink.” –Charles McGraw and Marie Windsor, “The Narrow Margin” Read more

March 6, 2002

THE CONTINUING CRISIS: Here’s my review of Mercy Among the Children, for Crisis. And here’s Emmy’s take on Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed. Isn’t she (Emmy, I mean) cool? Read more

March 6, 2002

WHAT FAITH IN GOD DOES AND DOESN’T DO: I’m working on an article for Crisis magazine about how non-Christians view Christianity. (Why don’t you buy a copy of the mag when it comes out? Huh? Huh? Why doncha?) I’ve asked a bunch of non-Christians about this, and gotten some really insightful responses. But one phrase cropped up a lot, often in the most thorough and empathetic responses, and it doesn’t ring true to me. Several people referred to “the comfort... Read more

March 6, 2002

THE JIMMY SWAGGART BIBLE POLICE: No, really! The very few people who read this site and not NRO’s Corner should go here right now. Read more

March 6, 2002

DERBWATCH: This column has a pretty astonishing story in the middle. (Scroll down to the header “Sima Qian.”) Sima’s last quote is especially moving. Read more

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