July 2, 2008

I like to do a blog that matches our e-newsletter‘s theme of the month. Today it’s all about integrity. Integrity is about seeing myself as whole, being as big as I am, and taking the actions that support my wholeness and so my power. My integrity is diminished when I don’t speak the truth, don’t make great agreements, don’t feel what is truly going on, and decide to blame someone else instead of wondering “how am I creating this?” I... Read more

June 30, 2008

I often pick Angel cards(from Doreen Virtue‘s deck) in the morning after I meditate, to reconnect with my unseen supporters and get a sense of direction for the day. Today’s card was “Celebrate.” It’s description was about knowing that I’ve planted many seeds and that I have so much support in watching over their cultivation. Soon after, I jumped on my bike and rode through town, stopping to do an errand on my way to the BCCL. The morning was... Read more

June 3, 2008

Wow. As I stood in front of the group, getting ready to introduce Gay and Katie Hendricks, I had a strong sense of “this is what it means when dreams come true.” From my fantasy over these many years of having the intention to “create conscious community,” to actually standing within a conscious community, I had the magnificent experience of being transported from seeing it all in my head to witnessing the much better version of “real life.” I feel... Read more

April 30, 2008

When I take the time to focus in on what my body is trying to communicate to me (sometimes at a VERY HIGH VOLUME), and then actually follow what it is asking for, I find that my life goes smoothly and easefully. When I let my mind direct me what I notice is hitting obstacles and roadblocks. It’s as if I’m assembling a whole gauntlet in front of me to get me to hear the message: WARNING: YOUR MIND IS... Read more

April 1, 2008

I first heard about the importance of agreements in 1995 and I’m still fine-tuning this ability. I sometimes revert to my old patterns of rushing through making an agreement, not checking in with myself to see if I’m agreeing to something I really want to do. Or I’ll push for my way without waiting for the other person’s clear “yes.” When I take the time to feel out what I really want while welcoming what the other person wants, I... Read more

February 29, 2008

If you walked into my office right now, you’d see: boxes of unassembled furniture; stacks of books all over the floor; business cards that have flowed beyond their boxes; an unhappy-looking plant; and a variety of pens, papers, notebooks and other assorted items perched dangerously close to the tops of cabinets that are now in the wrong place. Chaos. Gabrielle Roth developed a wonderful model about the Five Rhythms, describing the cycle of creation. These include Flow (being internal, connected... Read more

January 21, 2008

I’ve been playing with an idea I recently heard that nearly all neuroses and other types of emotional suffering are the result of our inability to simply face and accept what is.* Anxiety is fear about what might happen, with an irrational dose of hoping to keep that bad thing from occurring. Depression is our flattening out, or “depressing” our feelings instead of being able to face and then be with them. We let our minds loop obsessively instead of... Read more

December 12, 2007

Lately I’ve experienced a lot of material taught by wonderful folks. A few months ago, Gay Hendricks challenged a group of us to commit to living a majority of our time in our genius (I accepted). He later wondered with us, “If you were on your deathbed and someone asked you if you’d lived a successful life, what would you say?” Then our friends Gayle Colman and Chris Lucerne came to town with Imagination Made Real® and asked “What is... Read more

November 27, 2007

I’m in bliss from my third day of panchakarma treatments by a wonderful ayurvedic treatment practitioner, Paula Scarborough* As few people have heard of panchakarma, I want to extol its amazing effects. Panchakarma (the “five actions”) “is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind and consciousness” that originated within the ayurvedic practices in India. (For a more thorough description of this, go to the Ayurvedic Institute’s site.) It is traditionally done at the change of seasons, to help... Read more

November 22, 2007

I’m writing my first blog entry on the plane home from Louisiana. I spent a magical week participating in Habitat for Humanity with beloved friends from the Hendricks’ conscious community—and in four days it is officially Thanksgiving. I believe that the magic of the week was the direct result of appreciation and gratitude. The first night, our roommate Audrey (one of the five of us sharing a room we started calling “the dormitory’) said, “I end every day with appreciation,”... Read more

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