Friday Wrap 7/15: The Week’s Top 10 Progressive Posts

Friday Wrap 7/15: The Week’s Top 10 Progressive Posts July 15, 2016


#3: A Sermon on Why It’s Called the Parable of the Samaritan and Not the Parable of the Robbers

Our favorite tattooed pastor, Nadia Bolz-Weber, is back with words I, for one, desperately needed to hear this week, drowning as I was in the social media raging waters following the deaths of two more black men at the hands of cops … and the shooting of five cops in Dallas. During another week where you could easily believe that darkness has won the day, Nadia reminds us otherwise:

Evil might have the news cycle. But it does not have the victory. The darkness does not get to have our hearts, it does not get to fill our minds, it does not get to steal our joy … As Christians we can sit in the suffering, we can name the evil forces of racism and gun violence, we can confess our own complicity and we can lament and protest. But what we can never do is concede more ground to Satan than he himself has claimed. We will not be deceived into reversing the math and believing that evil has the numbers, because it does not.

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