Friday Wrap 7/15: The Week’s Top 10 Progressive Posts

Friday Wrap 7/15: The Week’s Top 10 Progressive Posts July 15, 2016


#4: 10 Cliches Christians Should Stop Saying

Oh, that crazy Mark Sandlin, always delivering a stinging punch to the good ol’ Christian gut. This time, it’s with his list of Christian cliches that tend to cause more harm than good — including everyone’s favorite:

Everything happens for a reason.
Implied in this is a very specific understanding of how God interacts with the world. Specifically, it says God directs all things. So, mass murders? God had a reason for that senseless act of violence. Stubbing your toe on the door frame? I guess God wanted to smite your toe. This way of seeing God turns us all into puppets. God’s little play things who really have no freewill. Do you truly think a god needs toys? If so, do you really think we’re the best toys God could make to play with?

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