Division or Unity? Roy Responds to Your Comments

Division or Unity? Roy Responds to Your Comments September 7, 2006


In reading comments on this FaithfulDemocrats.com

site and in fielding media questions, I find many Christians focused on two
issues: abortion and gay marriage.



See post #1 here.


In reading comments on this FaithfulDemocrats.com
site and in fielding media questions, I find many Christians focused on two
issues: abortion and gay marriage.


Some Christians seem to believe all
Republicans are pro-life and all Democrats are pro-choice.  But, for example, many Republicans, including
leaders such as California Governor Schwarzenegger and former New York City Mayor
are pro-choice.  And many Democrats are


Meanwhile, instead of denouncing
each other, all of us, pro-choice and pro-life alike, could work together to
reduce abortions.  And work together we


On gay marriage, most Americans are
opposed, including majorities of both parties. 
Gay marriage is illegal in almost every state and that will be the law almost
everywhere for the foreseeable future.

Some Christians seem to have
reduced their religion, at least as it applies to their politics, to two
hyphenated words: "anti-abortion" and "anti-gay."  This is so despite Jesus summarizing the law
and the prophets in two commandments:


"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment. And
the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." (Matthew


Abortion and gay marriage are two
terribly important issues.  But are there
not more than two important issues confronting this country? 


And should we not heed the entreaty
of Paul to the Galatians for unity:


"There is neither Jew nor Greek,
there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female" — and he might
have added "Republican or Democrat" — for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
(Galatians 3:28)


If two terribly important issues
divide us, FaithfulDemocrats.com should ask: on what issues can Christians


Should we not consider Jesus'
example of saving the life of the child in Luke 8:49-56?

Can we not unite to
save the lives of other children?

  • To provide
    treatments for children suffering from cancer?
  • To end children suffering
    abject poverty?
  • To end the
    illiteracy and ignorance destroying the futures of too many children?
  • To help children avoid
    drug addiction?
  • To pay our own way
    instead of piling trillions in debt onto the backs and futures of our children?

If we won't unite because Jesus
asks for and Paul teaches unity, will we do it for our children?


What if instead of letting partisan
politicians divide us for their purposes, we Christians decided we would unite
for God's purposes? 

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