FDHQ: Reducing Abortion Week

FDHQ: Reducing Abortion Week September 17, 2006

Later this week, prominent conservatives will be holding the "Values Voter Summit," a three-day conference in Washington, D.C. While we don't expect scheduled speakers Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, or James Dobson to take a vow of poverty at the event, we do expect them to present a conception of Christianity that

extends almost no further than divisive approaches to abortion and
same-sex marriage.

We know values go far beyond those two issues.  But those issues still matter.  And this week, we'll be focusing on
reducing abortion — not to divide our nation, but to transcend
wedge-issue politics and show how people of opposing views can come


Monday and Tuesday, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT) will be our
guest "From the Pulpit."  DeLauro, who is pro-choice, is introducing a
bill this week on reducing abortion, so we encourage you to comment or
submit your own diary entry about the issue.


Wednesday and Thursday, our guest in that slot will be Congressman
Lincoln Davis (TN), who is pro-life and is introducing his own bill on
reducing the abortion rate.


Friday, we will have a FaithfulDemocrats.com blogger posting in
real-time from the Values Voter conference itself.  This writer will
get the inside story on what's happening at the summit.


Thanks for voting your values!




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