Obama and MLK

Obama and MLK November 14, 2006

At the groundbreaking of the MLK memorial, Barack Obama once again drew upon his faith to craft a stirring speech.  Here's an excerpt:


And yet, by erecting this monument, we are reminded that this
different, better place beckons us, and that we will find it not across
distant hills or within some hidden valley, but rather we will find it
somewhere in our hearts.

"In the Book of Micah, Chapter 6, verse 8, the prophet says that God has already told us what is good.

'What doth the Lord require of thee, the verse tells us, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?'

The man we honor today did what God required. In the end, that is what
I will tell my daughters – I will leave it to their teachers and their
history books to tell them the rest. As Dr. King asked to be
remembered, I will tell them that this man gave his life serving
others. I will tell them that this man tried to love somebody. I will
tell them that because he did these things, they live today with the
freedom God intended, their citizenship unquestioned, their dreams
unbounded. And I will tell them that they too can love. That they too
can serve. And that each generation is beckoned anew, to fight for what
is right, and strive for what is just, and to find within itself the
spirit, the sense of purpose, that can remake a nation and transform a
world. Thank you very much."


Check out the whole speech here.

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