What was Glenn Beck thinking?

What was Glenn Beck thinking? November 16, 2006

Glenn Beck demonstrates more of his hatred for people that do not think like him.

Glenn Beck hosts his own show on CNN Headline News and is quite brash and frankly… I think he is just stupid and hateful. But nothing shows that more than his latest via video and text on Media Matters:

On the November 14 edition of his CNN Headline News program, Glenn Beck interviewed Rep.-elect Keith Ellison (D-MN), who became the first Muslim ever elected to Congress on November 7, and asked Ellison if he could "have five minutes here where we're just politically incorrect and I play the cards up on the table." After Ellison agreed, Beck said: "I have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.' " Beck added: "I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way."

Yes, he did just ask the first Muslim ever elected to the U.S. House to prove he is not working with the enemy. A lot of Americans feel that way Mr. Beck? I am not so sure, I know that I don't feel that way. Besides Mr. Beck it is not up to Mr. Ellison to prove he is not working with the enemy… if you want to accuse him of something don't come at him with an empty statement.

I am proud Minnesota's fifth district by electing Mr. Ellison they have given us another voice in our Congress. A voice that is sorely needed and may be it is possible that Mr. Ellison can be a voice of reason in our Halls of Congress when he takes office in January.

Frankly, Mr. Beck you need to apologize to Mr. Ellison.

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