The Latest: September 2007 Archive

The Latest: September 2007 Archive February 15, 2008

9/30, 8:12p CT: Stan Moody wonders what would happen if the military banned everyone who committed sins other than homosexuality. 
9/30, 7:03p CT: Was the Terri Schiavo case the moment when the religious right jumped the shark? 
9/29, 12:47p CT: Following the lead of Faithfully Liberal, Jesse Lava says how he’s privileged — and wonders how you are, too. 
9/29 , 12:18a CT: The Brody File interviews Giuliani, lobbing a bunch of personality-obsessed softballs.  With Giuliani and the other Republicans avoiding specifics on just about everything, might Brody have raised more pressing topics than, say, major league baseball and opera?
9/28, 2:34p CT: Myanmar’s government just cut off the nation’s Internet access, shutting up bloggers who are trying to get the word out about the government’s brutality.  PLEASE: email the government’s US embassy at and demand that they stop obstructing their citizens’ access to the Internet — and tell everyone you know.


9/28, 12:29p CT: David Gushee at Christianity Today ponders the lessons Christians can learn from having supported war too quickly. 


9/28, 2:01a CT: In the Democratic debate tonight, candidates were asked their favorite Bible verse.  Got some good answers — Sermon on the Mount, Good Samaritan, Golden Rule, Matthew 25, etc.  But Mike Gravel gave a quote about love that I’m pretty sure isn’t in the Bible.  Anyone else catch that? 


9/26, 1:04p CT: Would Hillary be the most religious president since Carter? 


9/26, 10:38a CT: A new blog called Revolution in Jesusland; it covers the emerging progressive movement in the evangelical community.


9/26, 10:35a CT: Turns out the Blackwater chief has close ties to right-wing Christian groups including the Family Research Council.


9/24, 7:56p CT: Even the news network of archconservative Don Wildmon is picking up on the Barbour story. 


9/24, 12:22p CT: Stan Moody on the black hole that is Blackwater.


9/20, 2:28p CT: David Kuo interviews the great Burns Strider, Hillary’s faith advisor, and Burns doesn’t disappoint. 


9/20, 12:30p CT: Dobson won’t support Fred Thompson.  Good news for Huckabee.


9/20, 12:20p CT:  The private faith and working-class values of John Edwards. 


9/19, 5:02p CT: Are some military officers trying to mandate Christianity? 


9/19, 4:53p CT: Right-wing “values voters” pick Huckabee by a huge margin. 


9/19, 10:45a CT: Call Congress about supporting the children’s health care bill that’s on the floor today. 


9/18, 2:15p CT: Another instance of evangelicals getting involved in environmentalism.


9/18, 1:24p CT: A values voter debate with that’s stuck in the religious right rut.


 9/17, 3:38p CT: Interesting question on Muslims and religious freedom.


9/17, 1:57p CT: The New Republic hits Haley Barbour on corruption.  An easy-to-miss nugget near the end: Haley has been using state planes to fly to DC for meetings with his lobbying firm.

9/17, 12:32p CT: Pope Benedict won’t back down on creation care. 


9/17, 12:28p CT: Turns out John McCain is Baptist now.  Who knew?     


9/16, 4:49p CT: Alan Greenspan says the Iraq invasion was about oil; meanwhile, a new survey says the Iraqi death toll may have surpassed one million. 


9/14, 2:20p CT: Here at FD, Jesse Lava’s got the goods on Mississippi’s corrupt governor, Haley Barbour. 


9/14, 12:15p CT: I don’t believe in nullification, but it’s hard not to take some pleasure in New Jersey Governor John Corzine’s declaration that he will defy Bush’s onerus new health care rules for working- and middle-class children. 


9/14, 12:09p CT: Falwell is back. 


9/14, 11:08a CT: Chuck Grassley says the “Christian” label has hurt the GOP; not sure that’s true, but here’s the article. 


9/14, 11:01a CT: Are white evangelicals leaving the GOP?  It’ll likely be a drawn out process, but the seeds have been sown.


9/13, 10:50a CT: Stan Moody argues that when there’s no vision (in Iraq), the people perish. 


9/12, 1:35p CT: Brody’s right: none of the top-tier Republican candidates (except Huckabee, if he counts) is willing to talk much about faith. 


9/12, 1:30p CT: Focus on the Family’s donations are down.  Meanwhile, an interfaith group rallies to oppose climate change.


9/11, 4:51p CT: A former Bush Catholic adviser bashes the Vatican over climate change.  Update: The Bushie responds.  He suggests there’s nothing Catholic about caring about climate change — as if he didn’t see the very papal statement he previously criticized.


9/11, 2:53p CT: Fred Thompson isn’t a regular churchgoer.  At least he’s honest about it. 


9/11, 2:18p CT: The Baptist Center for Ethics has a new video out called “Golden Rule Politics: Reclaiming the Rightful Role of Faith in Politics” — featuring our own co-chair, Roy Herron, as an interviewee.  Check it out.


9/11, 10:43p CT: On the sixth anniversary of 9/11, Rev. Chuck Currie offers a prayer. 


9/10, 11:18a CT: Bill Roth takes down Deal Hudson, a right-wing Catholic blogger and former Bush operative who rejects the Pope’s concern for the environment.


9/10, 10:10a CT: The Bush administration is actually purging prison libraries of faith-related books.  Wow. 


9/7, 4:44p CT: Yes, faith matters to voters.  We can debate what to do about it.  But the underlying fact is clear.


9/7, 12:13p CT: Hillary isn’t getting through to the general public yet on her faith, but she has time — and an awful lot of smearing from the right-wing to overcome.


9/7, 10:36a CT: Are Latino evangelicals — normally pretty heavily Republican — ditching the GOP over immigration?


9/6, 1:07p CT: Sister Joan Chittister rips on those who claim the religious mantle while ignoring what religion teaches.


9/6, 1:04p CT: Prayer surge for peace! 


9/4, 8:39p CT: Jesse Lava takes on Mother Jones and its vaguely insulting article on Hillary’s faith. 


9/4, 10:41a CT: Bush lies again, this time about disbanding the Iraqi army. 


9/3, 12:56p CT: Happy Labor Day!  If you like the weekend, the eight-hour day, overtime pay, the minimum wage, worker safety laws, and a lot more, thank the unions.


9/2, 10:57a CT: Bush’s top priority when he leaves office: “replenish the ol’ coffers.”  Second priority: a “Freedom Institute” that he says will make him bored.  


9/1, 11:59a CT: Larry Craig finally resigns over the bathroom sex scandal, reminding us of an important lesson: if you’re going to break the law to engage in sexual sin, please do it as a heterosexual like David Vitter did.  Gay sins = “unforgivable;” straight sins = par for the course.


9/1, 11:51a CT: Tucker Carlson brags about beating up a gay guy for hitting on him in high school; time to tell MSNBC to condemn him. 


9/1, 11:43a CT: Senator Tim Johnson is back!  

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