Creator and Creation

Creator and Creation March 30, 2009

Most of societies ills are because of human weakness. Gluttony for religious and political power, pride, and selfishness… these are all human traits that create our world and wars and poverty. God let humans – to some extent – be gods in that He allowed us to have independent thought and decide what course of actions we take in life. Now, it is up to humanity to make the Creator proud of His creation.

Probably the hardest concept mankind can have faith in is in the existence of an omnipotent God. Since the dawn of human understanding, mankind has tried to grapple with explaining creation, success, peace, war, death and life. And, since the dawn of human understanding, mankind has attributed these life lessons to a God or many Gods. I was in a discussion recently with a very wise Islamic friend about the human relation between God and man. Personally, I have always had trouble understanding why – if there is an almighty, all-powerful, all knowing, and all-merciful God – suffering exist and what is my personal relation with the Almighty.

I have always thought of God as a Father. In fact, when Jesus taught Christians to pray he insisted that we say, “Our Father, who art in heaven.” I didn’t know how to relate to God as a father figure until my son was born. I have unconditional love and am always encouraging and rooting for his success. If my son fails, falters, or falls down, I am there to pick him up, brush him off, and send him to his next childish adventure. Out of love, my father did the same for me and I return the favor to my son. But, I now believe this analogy is somewhat flawed. It is true that all those who believe and trust in God can be considered his children… and, I do believe God is cheering for humanity even though we as humans are flawed and seem to take pleasure in destroying ourselves with our own pride and ignorance. But, we as flawed beings can never possibly relate to a holy and just God. No matter what humanity accomplishes, our individual and collective sins will never be compatible with perfection incarnate and omnipotence. The correct relationship between God and mankind is the relationship between Creator and creation.

Let me explain.

My Islamic friend is a physician and we were discussing the hardship of knowing that even as a physician he cannot help his son get over certain illnesses. He can give antibiotics and love and try to heal his son but there are some illnesses that take time and his son must suffer through the pain until he gets better. Likewise, I can love my son and give him whatever he wants or give him guidance or help him out of situations or pick him up when he falls down but there will be some times when I will not be able to help my son. My son will eventually make some decisions in his job or personal life that I may be of no help… no matter how much I want to protect him from pain or suffering. An omnipotent God can – at will – save, protect, heal, or choose not to. Man cannot… he is limited by circumstances. The relationship between God and man is one between Creator and creation. In the beginning – in the book of Genesis – after God created the universe (no matter how the universe was created – Big Bang or spoken into existence) the scripture always says, “God saw that it was good.” The simple truth is that God created man for His glory. No mortal eyes can see God though God sees all eyes. God does with life and death as He pleases and humanity has no control over it. It is as if a great painter created a masterpiece. The painting or creation itself has no control over its fate. It cannot speak to Rembrandt or Picasso or create something itself. The creation is at the mercy of the creator.

But our Creator loves His creation like a father loves his children. Humanity should take comfort in that thought. Most of societies ills are because of human weakness. Gluttony for religious and political power, pride, and selfishness… these are all human traits that create our world and wars and poverty. God let humans – to some extent – be gods in that He allowed us to have independent thought and decide what course of actions we take in life. Now, it is up to humanity to make the Creator proud of His creation.

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