September 5, 2006

Thank you, sir, for standing up for Catholocism!    I am located in the state of Missouri and every election I pour over the nominees' information to see their stand on vital issues that concern our Church's teachings.  Please believe me when I say that often it is very hard to find a definative answer from candidates!  Our Catholic Missourian Newspaper sends out questionaires on vital questions and very often there is no response from the candidates.  Those who do... Read more

September 5, 2006

Freedom is a destination! It is not to be used to promote frear-mongering ideas that will allow illigimate powers to be amassed in its name, to trash the Constitution of this country, while poising as a defender of the same. This tragic demise of our Constitution will be one of the unintended consequences of this War on Terror if freedom loving Americans do not stand against this type of tyranny. Because I oppose the war, I do not appreciate people... Read more

September 5, 2006

"The Bible says it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Does that mean rich people can't go to heaven?"   L.I. , Boston (more…) Read more

September 5, 2006

"The Bible says it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Does that mean rich people can't go to heaven?"   L.I. , Boston (more…) Read more

September 4, 2006

Coming soon Read more

September 4, 2006

The past year has been a tremendous time of growth for my faith.  Even though I came to Christ at an early age of 12, my faith had never grown past knowing God personally and trying to be a "good person."  It was in the last year of being challenged through my church and people that came into my life that I learned what it really means to follow God and be a Kingdom fighter.  I have always been passionate... Read more

September 4, 2006

In the past year, the percentage of Americans who say the GOP is "friendly" to religion has dropped by eight points, led by a large decline among white evangelicals and Catholics. (more…) Read more

September 4, 2006

  Faithful Democrats — — Now on Myspace and Facebook         Christian Faith Cross Left Street Prophets Chuck Currie Public Theologian Expatriated Texas I Am a Christian Too Faithful Progressive Imitatio Christi Unity PCBN Real Live Preacher Jesus Politics God's Politics NathanDayWilson Fellowship of Christian Dems Reclaiming the F Word   Christian Groups Sojourners Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good Protestants for the Common Good Christian Century Beliefnet Christian Alliance for Progress The Revealer Call to... Read more

September 4, 2006

Hello, site visitor! Unfortunately the page you’re looking for does not exist on site or currently is unreachable. This could just be a browser caching error (Your browser may have in its cache an incomplete or outdated page), or the page you came from may outdated information. Please, continue to use our site, and try to locate the information you need using our internal search engine!! Read more

September 4, 2006

In Mark's Gospel Jesus asks, "Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?" That is the question we must ask President Bush and those politicians who strut their Christian faith while ignoring the care for the needy that their faith demands: "How can you call Jesus ‘Lord,' and not do what he says?" (more…) Read more

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