September 29, 2014

If you’re looking for a good film to reaffirm the power of God and faith in real-life decisions, and be moved by the actions of our fellow brothers and sisters in difficult situations, you too, will be taken in by the Sudanese Lost Boys and The Good Lie. Read more

August 4, 2014

We traditionally think of redistricting as an issue that impacts us only politically. Redistricting is the redrawing of districts based on the shared ideologies within the district without regard to the actual citizens that compose the district. It has become a problem because it effectively decides who gets elected in a given district. Redistricting has become a way to suppress voters. However, redistricting is more than a political issue; it is a faith issue as well. If a certain candidate,... Read more

July 25, 2014

This piece by Sally Kohn originally appeared on the Daily Beast.  As violence between Israel and Gaza continues, the author raises thoughtful questions worth considering.  For the victims of violence, Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.   Hamas is awful, but how can any faithful Jew look at Israel’s disproportionate violence against innocents and defend it? What kind of Jew would I be if I were not horrified by the incredible death and destruction being wrought on the Palestinian... Read more

July 16, 2014

A May 2014 Gallup Poll says that 57% of the Americans polled believe in the ability of religion to answer most or all of the world’s problems. Click here to read the article. Gallup first conducted this poll once in the 1950s, once in the 1970s, and multiple times during the 1980s and each subsequent decade. American belief in religion to solve worldwide problems was at its height the first time the poll was conducted in 1957. In 1957, 82%... Read more

July 7, 2014

On Monday, June 30, the Supreme Court ruled on the Hobby Lobby case. In a 5-4 decision, the Court held that “closely held” (e.g., the majority of outstanding stock of a company is owned by five or fewer people) for-profit companies do not need to follow federal law requiring that insurance plans include contraception for female employees. The ruling was based on the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, passed to protect an individual’s free exercise of religion, and marks the... Read more

June 25, 2014

Just a little while ago, I read a blog post by Dr. Jackie Roese regarding the upcoming Supreme Court decision about the Hobby Lobby case. She makes the argument that we, especially women, are “eating cheeseburgers” when it comes to the issue of contraception for women – that it seems so straightforward and obvious that women should have easy access to contraceptives, we just go about our regular lives, munching on our cheeseburgers and not worrying about this case or... Read more

June 16, 2014

In the wake of increased gun violence in our country that is disproportionately affecting our children and youth, we as citizens of this nation and as people of faith have a responsibility to respond by demanding legislation that better regulates guns and other weapons. We have to create the safest possible situation for our children. This is a call not only for those of us who are biological or adoptive mothers and fathers. This is a call to every person... Read more

May 13, 2014

With Memorial Day upon us, we Americans are about to enter the three day ritual of remembering those who have served and do serve in the armed forces, and especially those who have given their lives on behalf of our liberty and security.  As a progressive Christian, I will speak for myself to the question raised by the title; the answer is yes.  Just as any sensible person would understand the need for communities to hire police officers and give... Read more

April 8, 2014

Most Americans are working much harder for much less, and that is why we have the largest income inequality since the Great Depression. In America, we strive to move forwards, not backwards. But making the rich richer by making the poor poorer is stagnating our economy and crushing the dreams of hardworking Americans. It’s time to do something about income inequality. Attack: There’s nothing wrong with hardworking Americans making a good living Response: You’re right! We agree with you. But... Read more

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