November 25, 2005

Okay, as many of you know, the terminologies employed by both Mormons and orthodox Christians (hereafter “Christians” for brevity’s sake) are identical in form, but often different in meaning. Since getting the word out to our neighbors in the form of missionary work is one of the three essentials to the overall mission of the Mormon church (the other two being perfecting the saints and redeeming the dead), I thought I’d share with you some of the common vocabulary employed... Read more

November 16, 2005

Okay, enough of these posts on things that can actually have an effect on our daily lives! I need instead to delve into the mysteries, to things I can’t possibly know, and don’t need to know, you know? I was reading 3rd Nephi recently, and finally hit the verse that I had previously assumed was mere theory within the church. It seemed like Authoritative theory, but I still thought there might be some wiggle room. Nope. This verse pretty much... Read more

November 12, 2005

This is in response to the gauntlet that was thrown down by Geoff J (although I should note that he was only responding to my gauntlet). In his parable of the piano, Geoff is trying to negotiate the roles of the individual spiritual agent in relation to the role of God in the Atonement and Exaltation (I am in the camp that believes (as apparently Geoff agrees) that one cannot successfully talk about one without invoking the other). Specifically, God... Read more

November 10, 2005

I considered tacking this onto the end of David J.’s welcome post (of which I am trying not to be covetous of his responses.) John C. made an allusion to my unusual religious upbringing; well, here it will be revealed in this system of things. (hint) When reading about the Second Anointing, the topic of “Calling and Election made sure” featured prominently. When I was investigating the church, I had heard the phrase, and it sounded pretty much like the... Read more

November 9, 2005

Well, as usual, my inspiration for posts comes from BCC. I was going to discuss the merits of the seer stone vs. the Urim and Thummim, but I just wasn’t as inspired as I was by this idea. Go with me on it. What metaphor more accurately describes the Iron Rod from 1st Nephi 8: a handrail or a divining rod? Hand rail: well, the thing extends along a river and a path and people are supposed to hold onto... Read more

November 8, 2005

When we were considering what to name our first child, whom we thought would be a girl, we briefly discussed the name Sophia. I like the name for what it means and also for the biblical (and possible Canaanite) imagery surrounding it. My wife, Tana, did not particularly like the name however. When I asked why, she responded that she could see kids teasing our future child, taunting with names like “Hagia Sophia, Hagia Sophia”. After some time and some... Read more

November 7, 2005

So, I’m going through the Book of Mormon in response to President Hinckley’s Challenge, and I came across this passage this weekend. (Alma 44:8 ) And now it came to pass that when Zerahemnah had heard these sayings he came forth and delivered up his sword and his cimeter, and his bow into the hands of Moroni, and said unto him: Behold, here are our weapons of war; we will deliver them up unto you, but we will not suffer... Read more

November 2, 2005

Well, we’re growing today. I would also ask you to give a warm welcome to Jon (aka FaithHopeLove). He is an old friend of the family with an interesting religious past (which I will let him reveal in due time). He is what he had to say by way of introduction: My name is Jon (no H) and I have known John C. for more than 20 years. The earliest memory I have of him is that he refused to... Read more

November 2, 2005

Faith-promoting Rumor is pleased to announce the addition of David J to our blog. He will post occasionally on topics of import to him and, as always, he must agree with me on whatever I write. Here he is in his own words: I grew up in California, served in Brazil, hold a B.S. in Accounting and decided to switch gears and study Hebrew Bible in 2003. I have two kids (1 each). When not studying, I enjoy back-country backpacking,... Read more

November 1, 2005

So, now that Bannergate is over (and really, what more is there to say after this), let’s move on to outing the other spectacular anonymous star of the bloggernacle: The Bloggernacle Snarker! (sorry, anonymoose and A.Nonny.Mouse). The Snarker is harder to track down than the BoH people in part because the Snarker only rarely comments on other blogs. In fact, the only time that I know of is when the Snarker emphatically denied being Kurt (after Kurt emphatically denied being... Read more

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