October 31, 2005

Of late, I have begun to believe that, although the church is interested in orthodoxy, it is far more interested in orthopraxy. That is to say, the truly important things that were restored were the ordinances and the priesthood authorizing some to perform them. In part, I have come to this notion due to the general lack of official response to the whole issue of inactivity and the issue of how we count membership. I think we would rather have... Read more

October 31, 2005

First of all, sorry for the spotty posting of late. Second, it appears that the last Smackdown ended in a tie. I don’t quite know how to respond to that, but since Joseph Smith’s polygamy is more personally disturbing to me, I’ll declare him the winner (the priviliges of the FPR elite, dontchaknow). Onward and upward, This weeks topic of contention: Which early Christian apostle provides a better set of parameters by which to examine the presidency of Brigham Young:... Read more

October 20, 2005

It is possible that I accidentally taught false doctrine to my students at BYU yesterday, so I am going to put what I said before you, my discerning audience, and allow you to help me decide if a retraction, a clarification, or an affirmation is in order. It made sense at the time, but I was speaking off the cuff and further research has cast some doubt. I have given my students an assignment wherein they are to explain how... Read more

October 17, 2005

Well folks, it turns out that Joseph F. Smith must have more modern influence. I wonder why more people don’t read his books… Anyhoo, here is this week’s morsel for your comsumption, inspired by though not quite stolen from, Ronan’s post at BCC. Who is the more troubling polygamist: Joseph Smith, Jr. or Warren Jeffs? (more…) Read more

October 10, 2005

Well, it turns out that since I left the last smackdown up long enough, the lead changed twice. Eventually Elder Roberts was ahead and, since I wanted him to win, I stopped the poll before that could change again. Whew! On to this week’s battle of all time: Who do you think wields more influence over the church today: President Brigham Young or President Joseph F. Smith? (more…) Read more

September 30, 2005

“Happiness and spiritual progress lie in following the leaders of the Church.”—Elder Dallin H. OaksEnsign, May 1999, 37 I love the church, the gospel, and the prophets. I am a particularly big fan of Elder Oaks. But this quote, found without context on the lds.org page, is kinda creepy, huh. Let’s put it in context. It is from a talk about Martin Harris. In it, Elder Oaks describes Harris’s life, emphasizing the good about him. He covers his alienation from... Read more

September 23, 2005

“If you feel that Heavenly Father is not listening to your petitions, ask yourself if you are listening to the cries of the poor, the sick, the hungry, and the afflicted all around you.”—Elder Joseph B. WirthlinEnsign, May 2001, 74 Read more

September 19, 2005

Remember back when I posted a weekly poll…good times. Well, since the Bloggernacle Times has started up again, I’ve decided I can go back to the well, too. When last we spoke, the Old Testament was making sure that the Pearl of Great Price hied back to Kolob (rim-shot). This week, a reason to really bicker: Who has the most influence on faithful LDS scholarship?President Joseph Fielding Smith or Elder B. H. RobertsPresident Smith is the son of the son... Read more

September 16, 2005

Assuming that the Fall of Humanity wasn’t an unplanned for mistake, but a part of God’s overall plan, why do we need to Fall? Read more

September 14, 2005

Elsewhere, Clark Goble has publically agreed with Dr. Millet’s assessment of salvation as a process. In a slightly different context, Mssrs Goble, Greenwood, and Johnston have all admitted that, while they think it is possible for people to hold the idea that humans are “instantly transformed” at judgment, they are uncertain as to why anyone would (see here and following comments). I am one of those who do believe in “instant transformation”, but I object to that characterization and actually... Read more

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