September 13, 2005

First of all, I have been very busy lately with a variety of silly issues developing with my beginning a new semester. These are starting to smooth out and therefore I should be more able to post and comment in the future. This is a fundamental difference between me and Ronan; he posts more during the semester and I less. Geoff J has a post over at his blog asking why people don’t discuss doctrinal issues more. I should post... Read more

September 13, 2005

Well, the season has begun, and I have bested the forces of darkness yet again. Yes, John C. took a nosedive yesterday, as his team was left panting on the sidelines after a thorough drubbing by yours truly. As large sweaty men pummel each other on the gridiron each Sunday, yet another of my neuroses surfaces. The commandment to keep the Sabbath holy is being battered to pieces by the aforementioned helmeted warriors, a small but significant portion of which... Read more

August 30, 2005

PETA Campaign Coordinator Sean Diener, a devout Latter-Day Saint who grew up in Salt Lake City says,“Anyone who thinks that Jesus would approve of the way that these animals are raised and killed completely misses the gospel’s greatest message: compassion.” Do you think that the gospel’s greatest message is compassion? Read more

August 29, 2005

Well, the last time we did this, the Book of Mormon hero wupped up on the Biblical one. It got me thinking about this, a subject destined to become this week’s smackdown! Scriptural Mormon Smackdown: Standard Works Edition!Not that one is, but if one was, which of these Standard Works is the most important: The Pearl of Great Price or The Old Testament?The Pearl of Great Price is the source of all of our knowledge regarding Kolob and most of... Read more

August 29, 2005

At this posting, Judah holds a very slight lead with 3 votes. Personally, I think that’s a case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease… at any rate, on to today’s topic of contenti…er discussion. Anyone see those LDS-oriented PETA billboards a year or so ago in Utah? The ones quoting D&C 89 about eating “…meat sparingly, only in times of cold or famine”? Those actually got me thinking. We (Americans) eat meat a lot, all year long. No recent... Read more

August 25, 2005

So, moving on from Bigfoot…. I want to know, where have those Lost Ten Tribes got to? Center of the Earth? The Moon? Russia? right here among us, disguised as ordinary citizens? C’mon, let’s have it… let’s hear all those wild and wooly theories. And by the way, exactly which tribes ARE lost, anyway? Ephraim was originally one of the Ten, but now we’re back; Levi didn’t originally count as one of the twelve, but he is technically lost. I... Read more

August 23, 2005

Ok, since this place is dedicated to “oddments and marginalia” and other weird Mormon Legends, I have two that I’d like to hear more about: 1) I remember reading somewhere that there was a theory that Shem, son of Noah, was the same person as Melchizedek. And then I remember reading somewhere else, Mormon Doctrine possibly, that the theory was nonsense. But if I remember right, the first person was quoting Joseph Smith. Anyone else ever heard of this controversy,... Read more

August 20, 2005

Didn’t Brigham Young say something to the effect that he knew the Saints could withstand mobbings and lynchings, but he was worried about the effects prosperity would have on [us]? Well here is my question: Since leaving school and working for a few years, I’ve been able to put a little money away and now am beginning to invest it. How aware do I need to be of who gets my money? Certainly I’m not going to go out and... Read more

August 19, 2005

FPR is pleased to announce the appointment of my brother Robert to perma-blogger status. Please feel free to welcome him to the blog. Robert is a board-certified MD in rural Missouri with too much spare time. Although his online persona thusfar may make him seem like “House,” he is really much more like “Marcus Welby” (by which, I mean, old). In the interest of keeping all posts from becoming bitter flame wars inspired by sibling rivalry, please feel free to... Read more

August 16, 2005

Sure, the bloggernacle is a place to discuss obscure points of doctrine and the true meaning of Zelph. It is a place where you can scratch your itch for intellectual approaches to the Gospel and fluffy testimonials. But where can you get the violence, the splendor, the glory, the gory of NFL football in the ‘nacle? Well, right here, assuming that I get 6-10 interested nackers. Announcing the Bloggernacle Fantasy Football league! Knock heads with Kaimi*! Drill Steve Evans* into... Read more

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