A Simple Prayer for Humble Boldness

A Simple Prayer for Humble Boldness April 8, 2013

This simple post is not the length of what you usually find here at FaithWalkers.  I had another post planned for today, but instead, I’ll simply share my own earnest prayer that I jotted in my journal this morning. Not even sure why I’m sharing it, except that I feel urged to do so. Maybe it will be of help to someone. Maybe I’m the one who needs to share it.

I’ve been reading through Exodus of late, paying particular attention to the detailed instructions God gave about preparing the priests and His people to interact with a holy God.

My simple prayer for humble boldness, for what it’s worth:

God, cause me to live before you today in the beauty of your holiness, with humble boldness befitting one who has been redeemed from the slavery of sin to walk as an adopted child of the Most High.

Feel free to share a simple prayer you’ve prayed that may be an encouragement to others today with a comment below. 

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