The Mansions We Dream Of

The Mansions We Dream Of January 7, 2019

I have longed for people I thought I would die without. And wanted books and music I was sure would bring me peace. And I’ve driven myself to accomplish things I thought would secure my worth. And though I seldom touched what I longed for or got what I wanted or achieved what I pushed for, the remnants of my longing burned like ancient wood on the fire of my soul, making the heart of my being burn brighter. To my surprise, I loved and worked and pushed till I used my self up. To my surprise, using my self up was the fate under all my aspirations. At the end of all we want, we’re meant to glow. So long and want and dream till you exhaust your heart’s desire. We learn so much from longing, and wanting, and dreaming. Mostly, that they are not the mansions we dream of living in, but the wood that keeps our fire going.


A Question to Walk With: Describe a dream you had that didn’t work out as you imagined. Whether you achieved what you aimed for or not, where did this dream lead you? How did it transform and how did working toward it change you?

This excerpt is from my book, Things That Join the Sea and the Sky: Field Notes on Living.


*Photo credit: Pixabay

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