September 8, 2022

Why did God Confront Adam First after the Fall? Someone once posed this question to me after speculating that, although both men and women are sinners, men may be deeply responsible for human sin in a way that women are not. The exegetical influence on his thinking comes from his reading of the order in Genesis 1-3: God commands Adam directly not to eat of the tree of life, then confronts Adam first after both he and Eve sin. Since... Read more

August 23, 2022

What’s Wrong with Dethroning Sex? I was inspired to write on the centrality of conjugal love after reading Todd Wilson’s book, Mere Sexuality: Rediscovering the Christian Vision of Sexuality, which presents the historical Christian vision of human sexuality. Within this survey, Wilson breaks new ground with a chapter on the sexuality of Jesus, and his spotlight on this neglected topic is both refreshing and relevant. However, many of Wilson’s conclusions within that chapter deserve more critical examination: “From the story... Read more

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