Music Video That Will Inspire You

Music Video That Will Inspire You February 2, 2018

Back story to the song and video.

In 2012, I delivered a message to a Christian community entitled Living in the Divine Parenthesis.

The night before I brought the message, I wrote a song as a companion to the talk which I entitled, “He Has Anointed Us.”

The lyrics are based on Luke 4:16-20 and Ephesians 1:18 through 2:18.

I wrote the song to the tune of Wavin’ Flag by K’naan — a song that Leonard Sweet turned me onto when I visited him in his home one Thanskgiving weekend.

As soon as I heard the song, I told Len that one day I’d write new lyrics for it which glorified the Lord.

(The practice of rewriting lyrics to popular songs by the Christians stretches back to the Reformation, at least.)

After I finished the lyrical part of the song, I asked a group of talented Christians who meet somewhere in Tennessee if they’d be willing to learn and record it.

They not only did, but they hit it out of the park.

Someone recently converted the song — with the lyrics — into a video.

If it blesses you, share it . . .

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