April 12, 2021

Tozer is one of my mentors. You can hear about the time I “met him” in one of my podcast episodes. Here’s what Tozer wrote about ownership. I do not mean by this that you cannot have things. I mean that you ought to get delivered from the sense of possessing them. This sense of possessing is what hinders us. All babies are born with their fists clenched, and it seems to me it means, “This is mine!” One of... Read more

April 11, 2021

About how the New Testament uses the term “the world,” Watchman Nee continues to write, Concerning this system [“the world”] there are two things to be emphasized. First, since the day when Adam opened the door for evil to enter God’s creation, the world order has shown itself to be hostile to God. The world “knew not God” (1 Cor. 1:21), “hated” Christ (John 15:18) and “cannot receive” the Spirit of truth (14:17). “Its works are evil” (John 7:7) and... Read more

April 10, 2021

This is part 2 of my most popular post, Bono on Jesus In this two-minute video, Bono talks about Jesus, His identity, why He was crucified, and why He believes Jesus is the resurrected Son of God. He also answers personal questions about prayer, specifically who He prays to. Take the 2-minutes to watch the video and please share the link (below). Bono’s candor is refreshing!   Read more

April 9, 2021

The following webinar contains a spoken message recorded in front of a live audience. The message has changed the lives of countless Christians. Just click the play icon on the video to hear it. You can listen to it with your smart device while driving, walking, exercising, doing house work, etc. The video screen presents the title of the message and a link to the full course where you can access all the talks (plus a workbook) in the series.... Read more

April 8, 2021

Hi Fun Seekers, The 87th episode of the Christ is ALL podcast was inspired by the many questions I received about the subject of “hyper-grace” from our 2013 reader survey. Beyond my discussion of the hyper-grace controversy, this episode also contains: 1. A personal letter I wrote to a well-known “grace” teacher. This is the first time I’ve disclosed it. I read the letter on the podcast (without mentioning the teacher by name). 2. I also talk about 3 ways... Read more

April 7, 2021

“Then the two from Emmaus told their story of how Jesus had appeared to them as they were walking along the road, and how they had recognized him as he was breaking the bread.” ~ Luke 24:35, NLT In Luke 24 the author tells an incredible story about the risen Christ. It goes something like this. It’s a Sunday evening in AD 30. Earlier that morning the greatest historical event known to humankind occurred: Jesus of Nazareth rose from the... Read more

April 6, 2021

Check out my new series on the kingdom of God. Today we stand on the edge of a new frontier—one of exploration, not fortification. One of discovery, not contentment. In this new frontier, we will navigate the unchartered waters of Jesus Christ, our all-sufficient Lord. There is so much more of Christ to sail than we could ever imagine. But if the truth be told, we have been handed a shrink-wrapped Jesus. Christ has become our once-a-week Mascot. We rally... Read more

April 5, 2021

If you are a teacher or preacher, please read the following. An extraordinary experience to give you the BREAKTHROUGH in ministry you’ve been waiting for as well as CONNECTION with a group of gifted ministers! MinistryMind is NOT a conference or a seminar. It’s a high-voltage Mastermind event! The Problem is Widespread Countless pastors and teachers are looking for more effective ways to minister. Countless pastors and teachers are looking for face-to-face connection with other leaders to encourage & inspire them. Countless... Read more

April 4, 2021

I’m kicking around an idea – a paid Summer Internship. Some of you may not fit the criteria, but you may know someone who does. In which case, send them this link. There is a “Finder’s Fee” of $100 for anyone who finds a match who I end up hiring. Here are a few specifics: * The internship will be made up of 5 people who are intelligent, responsible, and creative. * We will create a few projects together designed... Read more

April 3, 2021

Click each link to order on Amazon. Scroll down for interviews and other resources. Jesus Manifesto (Thomas Nelson, 2010) Jesus: A Theography (Thomas Nelson, 2012) Jesus Speaks (Thomas Nelson, 2016) INTERVIEWS WITH THE AUTHORS Audio Interviews Steve Brown Interviews Leonard Sweet & Frank Viola Steve Brown Interviews Leonard Sweet & Frank Viola Again Northwestern Media Interviews Frank on JESUS MANIFESTO Interview with Christian Books (CBD) on JESUS MANIFESTO Jesus Manifesto: Chapter One Print Interviews Ed Stetzer Interviews Len Sweet and Frank Viola Mike... Read more

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