A 26-Year Old Remarks on Riots, Race, and the Gospel of the Kingdom

A 26-Year Old Remarks on Riots, Race, and the Gospel of the Kingdom June 2, 2020

The comment:

“This is the best thing I’ve read on this subject over the last week. I’m so sick and tired of people raging about how Trump used the Bible as a prop. Who cares!? That’s nothing new. Many celebrity preachers use it as a prop the same way. Yea, it’s stupid. I know about the protesters being pushed back. How does pointing this out help anyone? It’s been said a million times already. People on facebook just keep repeating it in different ways.

Your article actually helps us. My friends and I are going to share it instead of CNN, WP, Fox News, Huff Post, NY Post, NYT, etc. etc. Thank you!

By the way I’m 26 years old.”

Regan Siefert (Redding CA)

The article: 

Riots, Race, and the Gospel of the Kingdom

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