This is Inevitable, Folks

This is Inevitable, Folks May 1, 2024

After penning over 20 books, this pattern has become clear: I write the book I want to read but that doesn’t exist. Every Christian will face crises in their lives. Relational, Financial, or Health-related. If your life is easy right now, there will be a crisis to come. And they usually lead to a spiritual crisis. This is the book I couldn’t find (yea, there are tons of books on suffering, trials, etc., but none without prescriptions that go beyond “pray and read your Bible and trust God.” So that’s why I wrote HANG ON, LET GO). I’m glad this book has saved the lives of thousands of Christians. And continues to do so. If you or someone you know is experiencing a hard time, send them to the book page. There are free audios on it (more than one) that have helped many. Go to

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