Ann Romney Reflecting on Motherhood

Ann Romney Reflecting on Motherhood April 9, 2012

Every mother is told at the grocery store by a well-meaning older woman, “Enjoy these years.  They are fleeting.” Usually the younger mom has to scrape the gum off her face, stuff the toddler back into the grocery cart, and dodge the grapes that the youngest might be flailing from an unknown location, to muster out a “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”

But now that my kids are thirteen, eleven, and four, I think I’m beginning to really understand what they’re talking about.  At dinner, every time I set out five plates, it warms my heart.  (Okay, not every time.  But close to it.)

That’s why I was intrigued to hear Ann Romney talk about a similar sensation, with her five boys.  (Make that six?)


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