“Clock Boy” Makes Another Shocking Confession

“Clock Boy” Makes Another Shocking Confession December 6, 2015

“Clock Boy” Ahmed Mohamed, who originally made headlines for bringing a homemade clock that looked like a bomb to school, announced just over a month ago that he was leaving America to move to Qatar to attend school.

But now, only a few weeks after the move, Clock Boy is missing America.

Breitbart reports:

Within days of demanding a total of $15 million from the City of Irving and the Irving Independent School District, “Clock Boy” Ahmed Mohamed announced in a long distance phone interview from Qatar, he is homesick and wants to come home to Texas now.

In October, Ahmed accepted a fully-funded education scholarship from the Qatar Foundation, an organization with reputed ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, over an invitation to MIT, which is among the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the world. The family announced they would relocate to Qatar to accommodate his education, which they did.

Dallas’ KTVT 11 (CBS) interviewed the teen from halfway around the world over Facetime. Now, Ahmed claims he misses Texas. “I want to go back to a place where everyone knows me,” meaning the kids he grew up with. He also hinted a trip to Dallas may be in the works over the Christmas holiday.

Who would’ve thought that living in America might be better than living in Qatar?  After all, it’s just a country which Human Rights Watch cites for their laws prohibiting freedom of expression.

Unlike the anti-American rhetoric Ahmed has been spouting all over the media, America is actually a place where human rights and freedoms are more protected than any other civilization in human history, where lawsuits can be filed and justice can be sought without threats of danger or death. America is the shining city on a hill… imperfect sure, but more perfect than any other nation on Earth (including Qatar).

So yea, Ahmed, I can understand why you’re homesick.

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