Mike Huckabee Says He ‘Never Defended’ Josh Duggar After Molestation Allegations

Mike Huckabee Says He ‘Never Defended’ Josh Duggar After Molestation Allegations December 29, 2015


Now that Josh Duggar has been caught in multiple lies, long time Duggar apologist Mike Huckabee says he never defended him after allegations of molestation of his sisters.  BuzzFeed has the scoop:

“I really didn’t support Josh. I supported his parents, if you’ll go back and look at what I said,” Huckabee told Iowa radio show host Simon Conway.

Huckabee added that Duggar’s actions were “despicable,” “dishonest,” and “totally defy everything that he supposedly stood for,” later saying he “never defended Josh” and that he doesn’t now because there is “nothing to defend.”

“There’s no support for what he did,” Huckabee said.

Here’s his original post on Facebook, located here, he characterized Duggar’s molestation as a “regrettable” mistake done in his youth.  He also accused the media of “sensationalizing” the story:


Listen to his denial here.
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