Twitter suspends rapper for insulting Muslim, but not for saying Sarah Palin be gang raped

Twitter suspends rapper for insulting Muslim, but not for saying Sarah Palin be gang raped May 13, 2016

Last month, Azealia Banks, a rapper who desperately needs her mouth washed out with soap, delivered a vile rant against Sarah Palin, saying the former Vice Presidential GOP nominee be gang raped by a group of black men. What was Twitter’s response?

“We reviewed the content and determined that it was not in violation of the Twitter Rules.”

Of course, Twitter has kicked off conservative personalities for saying things that don’t even come close to what Banks said. But guess what happened to Banks when she slung insults at a Muslim this week? Her account was suspended. Yep. Not kidding.

Her target this time around was ex-One Direction member Zayn Malik who, incidentally, is known for having sent #FreePalestine messages on Twitter. Banks went after Malik because she believed his new video, Like I Would, was too similar to one of her videos. Things escalated and she eventually called him a “sand n*****” and said he was only added to One Direction to attract “brown people.”

In other words, Banks is horrible and heinous to everyone, while Twitter refuses protection to the conservatives in her wake.

Why does Twitter defend insults against Muslims but won’t defend a conservative woman from threats of rape?

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