Dear Republicans who support Trump because he’ll “do the right thing on judges”

Dear Republicans who support Trump because he’ll “do the right thing on judges” June 7, 2016

As you have undoubtedly heard, Trump said American-born Judge Gonzalo Curiel shouldn’t preside over his Trump University fraud case, because of his “Mexican heritage.” Even Paul Ryan, who endorsed Trump, said Trump’s statement was a “textbook definition of a racist comment.”

Immediately, Ryan rescinded his endorsement, saying he preferred not to compromise his own integrity by promoting a racist.  My bad, that’s just my political fantasy to live in world where politicians were vertebrates. Ryan, of course, is still standing by Trump.

This caused Bill Kristol to tweet:

But why?  Amy Davidson, writing for the New Yorker, reported:

Ryan told the radio host, Vicki McKenna, adding, almost in the same breath, that what really mattered was that Trump could be trusted when it came to—of all things—picking judges. Ryan had delayed endorsing Trump because he worried about regulation undermining self-government, and he’d “wanted to make sure where he stood on that and on judges.”

Let that sink, folks.

It’s not too late to change.

As Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Of two evils, choose neither.”


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