Planned Parenthood gloats over forcing Christians and nuns to pay for abortions

Planned Parenthood gloats over forcing Christians and nuns to pay for abortions November 4, 2016

Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards was recently asked about her proudest moment at the organization, and she said it was when the Obama administration forced Christian companies to provide female employees with “birth control” options. Surprised? 

Richards spoke to the Texas Observer which asked, “And your proudest moment at Planned Parenthood?”

“Definitely the day President Obama called to say he was about to announce that birth control would be covered for all women under their insurance plans because it had been a hard-fought battle, long before I came to Planned Parenthood,” Richards said. “We were fighting to make sure that insurance companies covered it and pharmacies would fill prescriptions. The fact that now, I believe, for your generation, all women will be able to get it without a fight, and they’ll be able to get the best birth control, is an enormously important moment. It was a win for the movement.”

That “win” meant Christian businesses like Hobby Lobby and even the nuns known as The Little Sisters of the Poor are forced to go against their religious beliefs and provide “prescriptions” for medicines that induce abortions or face steep penalties.

And as points out, Planned Parenthood is just as proud to support Hillary Clinton for president so she can do as she promised and lift the restrictions of the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for abortions.

Let’s look at the numbers for Planned Parenthood.

Cecil Richards, as CEO, makes almost $600,000 per year and is promised a half billion dollars in taxpayer funding every year. And as the nation’s largest abortion provider, over 300,000 babies are killed every year — almost 900 per day and nearly 40 per hour. (But shhh! PP is a women’s health clinic.)

So, business is good… at least for Richards.

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