August 15, 2011

Cameron Todd Willingham lived with his wife and three daughters in a Texas working-class neighborhood until disaster struck. When a fire broke out one morning, his oldest daughter awakened her father by yelling for help.  “Daddy!  Daddy!”  The fire ravaged their small home so quickly that the firefighters weren’t able to save the children.  All three daughters died from smoke inhalation. “My little girl was trying to wake me up and tell me about the fire,” he said. “I couldn’t... Read more

August 15, 2011

Bert and Ernie are not going to get married. You didn’t realize they were gay? Well, they are men who live together, have effeminate characteristics, and bicker. What? We aren’t supposed to categorize homosexuals based on stereotype? That’s because you, dear reader, are a conservative. Your rash generalizations, prove your obvious bigotry. When liberals do it, they are being progressive and provocative. But there was more than just stereotype to the Bert-and-Ernie-Are-Gay conspiracy. “Ever notice how similar my hair is... Read more

August 13, 2011

Dear Romney supporters,  I know it’s not fun to tune into the straw poll results and to see your candidate so far down the list.  But here’s a little perspective.  Gov. Romney won this straw poll last year, but that didn’t pave the way for him to the nomination.  In fact, John McCain — the eventual GOP nominee – got less than 1% of the votes in the 2007 Ames Straw Poll.  This year, Gov. Romney decided not to sink... Read more

August 12, 2011

But how on earth does this apply to the Presidential race of 2012?   Read more

August 9, 2011

Listen to the segment here. Read more

August 9, 2011

I almost didn’t use the word “kill” in the headline, but it’s right here in this Politico article: Barack Obama’s aides and advisers are preparing to center the president’s reelection campaign on a ferocious personal assault on Mitt Romney’s character and business background, a strategy grounded in the early-stage expectation that the former Massachusetts governor is the likely GOP nominee. The dramatic and unabashedly negative turn is the product of political reality. Obama remains personally popular, but pluralities in recent... Read more

August 2, 2011

Anyone who reads this blog knows that we’re particularly interested in the relationship between economic freedom and social justice and the role of the Great Society in creating a permanent underclass.  For too long evangelicals have let religious leftists dominate the debate, offering “solutions” that depend on discredited economic theories and require pouring money we don’t have into programs that don’t work. Led by Jim Wallis and his “Circle of Protection,” the religious Left has asked President Obama “What would... Read more

August 2, 2011

            My latest offering on National Review tackles the tough issues of our time: Hollywood’s newest offering is a film version of the iconic 1980s television show, which ran for nine years on NBC. The little blue guys — and one girl! — are back. And guess what? They are no longer Commu-Smurfs. You didn’t have to be Joseph McCarthy to see the red undertones of the blue Smurf society. In Evan Topham’s popular YouTube... Read more

August 1, 2011

More lyrical theology from Shai Linne . . . the plight of the lost and the marvelous grace of the Gospel.  Listen, enjoy, and learn: Read more

July 29, 2011

From the Corner: After literally decades of failed social policies — policies that have helped create a permanent underclass, fostered a dependent spirit in millions of citizens, and helped explode the illegitimacy rate (all for the low, low price of several trillion dollars) — it would be tempting to roll our eyes at Wallis’s christianized socialism. Unfortunately, however, the evangelical progressive Left is gaining ground in American Christianity. Thus, columns like Wallis’s demand a response. First, it is now crystal clear... Read more

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