Gays not welcome, or not welcomed enough? Paragraph 55 from #Synod14

Gays not welcome, or not welcomed enough? Paragraph 55 from #Synod14 October 18, 2014

Paragraph 55 of the synod document released today didn’t get the necessary 2/3s votes to pass.  This paragraph deals specifically with homosexuality.  Buzzfeed translates the Paragraph for us:

55. Some families live the experience of having members who are of homosexual orientation. In this regard, questions have been raised on pastoral care which is appropriate to deal with this situation by referring to what the Church teaches: “There is no basis whatsoever to assimilate or to draw even remote analogies between same-sex unions and the plan of God for marriage and the family. ” Nevertheless, men and women with homosexual tendencies must be accepted with respect and sensitivity. “In their regard should be avoided every sign of unjust discrimination” (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons , 4).

There is nothing in that paragraph that should make anyone uncomfortable.  In essence, its just a restatement of what the Church has already stated about homosexual persons.  Bishop Paul-Andre Durocher, a synod father wrote this on his blog about that paragraph:

On the question of the pastoral accompaniment of homosexuals, a paragraph simply proposed recalling the Church’s teaching that there is no equivalence between marriage and a homosexual relationship, while maintaining the dignity and the non-discrimination of homosexuals. This paragraph was also supported by the majority, without attaining the two-thirds bar. Why did some Bishops choose not to approve a text which only repeated the Church’s received teaching? I have the impression many would have preferred a more open, positive language. Not finding it in this paragraph, they might have chosen to indicate their disapproval of it. However, it has also been published, and the reflexion will have to continue. (emphasis mine)

That is quite different than voting against it because you disagree with it, isn’t it?  I’m sure this will be clarified as more synod fathers speak about their experiences, and meedless to say, there will be a lot of ink spilled over these words.  Lets not rush to judgement, lets allow the Synod Fathers and the Holy Father to continue to teach and lead us, most especially in the year as we prepare for the next step in this synodal process.


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