7 Quick Takes Friday

7 Quick Takes Friday October 14, 2011


I am officially a coffee-drinker. I really wasn’t for most of my life. Ironically, I developed a taste for coffee during my pregnancy with Maggie, when I drank iced coffee with cream.

Now, when I drag myself out of bed and downstairs, I walk over to the coffee maker and pray “Please let there be coffee.” It’s better for everyone when there is.

What I want to know is, how were they able to convey with such truth how I look before the coffee is ready?


That said, I do love tea also. My favorite varieties are Mighty Leaf Bombay Chai and Earl Greater Grey.

Are you a tea person or a coffee person? Or both?


Tomorrow and Sunday Atticus and I are facilitators for our parish’s marriage prep program, One in Christ. It is such a truly awesome program. We’re very blessed to be part of it.

But we have to be there at 8 on Saturday. I’m just saying. That’s early.

Also, if they didn’t show Fireproof again this year, I could live with that. Seeing that film once in a lifetime is plenty.


I was drooling over a dress at Target and my kind MIL gifted me with it this week.

I love it! It’s so comfortable, and the shade of purple goes great with my brown, black, and gray boots! I also like that the belt is removable, you can change it to a different one. In fact, I like it so much I’m thinking of getting it in black too.
I was also able to get some new black boots this week, thanks to a great sale and a good coupon. I had to sell my previous pair because they did not fit anymore (my feet got a bit wider after having Maggie). Boots are probably my favorite type of shoe. I now have five pairs.
Including these beauties:
That little tiny heel is the highest one I have on any of my boots. What can I say? I live for comfort.
I made applesauce this week! I’m going to give some for Christmas gifts, so I made several jars from the bounty of our trip to the orchard.
No, I am not a canning expert. In fact, I bought the jars that can be canned or frozen, and the applesauce is living in my (huge!) new freezer until Christmas.
Didn’t have to boil anything or worry about seals and botulism or whatever gets into canned items. Just fill and freeze. Just my speed.
Last weekend, my friend Jessica, who is a lovely photographer, did a family photo session for us at a local park.
These are the “sneak peak” photos, and I am so excited to see the rest!
This one is my favorite.
Friends, I am obsessed with Fiestaware dishes. I got a place-setting for four in white at a thrift shop in Chicago, and now I want to get another three or four. Three would be 7, enough for Eric’s family and us, but eventually I’d like a setting for 8, since that’s a nice round number.
Also, we are hosting Christmas dinner this year. I came across this idea for the place setting, and I LOVE it.
Imagine it in white with red ribbon!

Sigh. I love it.

Anyway, I love Fiestaware. It’s durable, and pretty, and made in the USA! This makes me excited.


What are you excited for on this fall Friday?

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