Why Hello There.

Why Hello There. August 3, 2014

  Oh Hello.

Imagine my surprise when Jen “Something Other Than God” Fulwiler mentioned me and my post on Edel, by name, in her Edel reflection post. My surprise looked something like me blurting out an expletive while holding my son on my lap and having to wipe coffee from the laptop screen.

I was floored that Jen found my reflections worthy of helping her to describe her own thoughts on this amazing weekend that she and Hallie envisioned. So humbled.

She’s amazing.

And so I saw, I’m not embarrassed to admit, my largest day of traffic EVER in my six years of writing, on the day she mentioned me. So I know there are some new readers to ye olde humble blog, and I want to say a very happy hello. I’m so glad you’re here!

So if you’ve found FTG via Jen’s blog or twitter, welcome! I’d love to know more about you, I would be tickled if you’d introduce yourself in the comments or shoot me an email. I love mail!

I wanted to give a shout out to some of the wonderful artists and people who made Edel so amazing.

Monica Welch,  artist behind Dovetail Ink, created beautiful prayer cards for the Edel swag bags.


I got this gorgeous Memorare, which I have been saying like a madwoman because both of my infants are fussy, teething, dictators. And the boy child is a seriously a barnacle the last two weeks.

Her stuff is seriously so beautiful. I loved it all and wanted to spend a million dollars. But, I settled for this fantastic St. Michael image instead:


I’m in love.

Jens’s talented uncle Kevin took so many great photos of the event, which you can see here. I especially love all the shoe pictures!


Can you guess which shoe (and foot) belongs to yours truly? Hint: Sandals.

Also, this happened.


I actually dreamed there was a photo of me with Jen and the Abby Johnson. It’s real! I am such a lame fangirl, it’s actually sort of funny.

And representing Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish at Edel:


And what do you know, we’re both named Sarah.

And one last. I was so excited about the print from the swag bag that I put it in a frame and rearranged my book shelf so I can see it often. Fake it till you make it, right?



Ok. I think I’ve gotten all the Edel pictures out of my system. Whew.

Next up, I’ll be ranting and raving about one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. Stay tuned.

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