Birthdays We Missed

Birthdays We Missed February 3, 2015

I had three very cute blog posts written in my head, celebrating each of the children’s birthdays and then in the busyness of the holidays and the house stuff, they never made it from my head to the page.

So, here they are. A day (or month) late and a few dollars short, a little birthday shout out to each of my beautiful babies.

Mary Cate and Charlie

2015-01-30 12.33.49


Mary Catherine  Theresa

2014-12-01 14.23.32

Nicknames: MC, Mary Cate

How old are you: 1

What is your favorite animal: Dog (This is also one of my words!)

What is your favorite book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

What is your favorite food: everything. No, seriously. She’s eaten everything we’ve given her except raw spinach. But probably favorite is avocado, cheerios, and bananas.

What is your favorite drink: Milk.

What is your favorite game: peek a boo behind the curtains with Charlie.

What is your favorite toy: Little People farm and Zoo train

Who is your best friend: Charlie (he is often also my worst enemy)

What is your favorite thing to do: WALK.

Where is your favorite place to go: Out with Daddy.

What did you do on your birthday: Ate pizza and ice cream with Mommy, Daddy, Charlie, Maggie and my god parents.


Charles Joseph

2014-12-01 16.27.34

Nicknames: Charlie, Charles J

How old are you: 1

What is your favorite animal: Sirius (dog)

What is your favorite book: Goodnight Moon, Let’s Go (a book about transportation)

What is your favorite food: Peanut butter and guacamole

What is your favorite drink: Milk

What is your favorite game: “chase” with Mary Cate, peek a boo in the curtain with MC

What is your favorite toy: play kitchen, ball, xylophone.

Who is your best friend: Mary Cate (for a best friend, she sure does pull my hair an awful lot!)

What is your favorite thing to do: cruise along the furniture, explore cords and electrical sockets when I can sneak away from Mommy.

Where is your favorite place to go: on walks, the grocery store (I like riding in shopping carts), the nursery at church

What did you do on your birthday: Ate pizza and ice cream with Mommy, Daddy, Mary Cate, Maggie and my godparents.


Margaret Gianna

2014-12-28 12.38.10

Nicknames: Maggie, gingersnap (Mommy’s nickname)

How old are you: 4

What is your favorite color: all of the colors

What is your favorite animal: Dog

What is your favorite book: Cinderella, Under the Sea, A Look Inside My Body

What is your favorite TV show: Sofia the first

What is your favorite movie: Frozen and Anastasia

What is your favorite song: My God is so great (this is a preschool song), Let it go

What is your favorite food:  honey nut cheerios, avocados

What is your favorite snack: fruit snacks, graham crackers

What is your favorite outfit: Short sleeve cat shirt

What is your favorite game: Candyland

What is your favorite toy: Barbies, especially Tiana and Anna

Who is your best friend: Ellie, Bella

What is your favorite thing to do: Play with friends

What is your favorite holiday: My birthday, Easter

Where is your favorite place to go: Target

What is your favorite restaurant: McDonald’s

Where do you want to go on vacation: The beach (Mexico)

What do you want to be when you grow up: Firewoman (her exact words – meaning fire fighter)

What did you do on your birthday: Went to McDonald’s Play Place with Mommy, Daddy, Mary Cate, Charlie and Grandma and Grandpa. Went out for ice cream and sang Happy Birthday at the ice cream shop. Got my Tiana and Jasmine barbies from Grandma.

My kids really like avocados and milk.

I had such a great time sitting down with Maggie over some crackers and milk to “interview” her. I think this would be such a fun yearly tradition to do with the kids on each of their birthdays. Do you have any special birthday traditions with your children?







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