July 22, 2013

From Geek Goes Rogue TV Editor Zach Lorton, as told to by the thousands of bits of napkin left in his pants pocket before going through the laundry: “Okay . . . See, my name is John Carter.  Virginia is where I’m from.” For those of you interested, no, I still haven’t deleted “Sharknado” from my DVR. This isn’t exactly new news, but sites like Kickstarter and IndieGogo have become a new standard for entertainment projects to be made.  Studios... Read more

July 22, 2013

Hey Minecrafters, The Eldest is back with another Minecraft video. Subscribe to his channel! Read more

July 21, 2013

So in just a few hours Comic Con will come to a close for another year. This year was, as far as we were told by local reporters, the biggest crowd ever…over 130,000 people…wow, who knew there were that many geeks around? And think of all the folks who couldn’t get here in person. The highlight of my day was the cute voice over guy I met at a booth touting a geek dating service. www.soulgeek.com promises to match you... Read more

July 21, 2013

Just one more day and it’s back to reality for a lot of people. Imagine spending four days or so immersed in the worlds of comics, gaming, movies, TV, sci fi and fantasy and cosplay and…tomorrow morning it’s ringing alarm clocks, long commutes and jackass co-workers. But for today, there is the Con and it’s final countdown… We will be haunting the Nintendo gaming lounge and the XBOX lounge at two adjacent hotels…then back to the main exhibit hall to... Read more

July 21, 2013

Hey Everyone, Here are the Comic Con videos, sizzle reals and other things that have us geeking out… First up….the Arrow preview for 2013 Tom Hiddleston as Loki….awesome….. Stephen Hawking Introducing The Big Bang Theory The Kick Ass 2 Extended Trailer….not safe for the kiddies…. And……The Batman and Superman reveal…… Read more

July 21, 2013

Hey Everyone, I’m sure by now you know about Minecraft, a very cool game RPG game that helps you develop your own worlds. You’re a geek, right? That’s what I thought. Anyway, there are tons of “Let’s Play” videos on You Tube. Many of them use pretty foul language and they aren’t for kids. Many of you Elder Geeks have younger geeks in your home that want to do Minecraft. But, you’re afraid to let them watch videos on You... Read more

July 20, 2013

The X-Files Reunion at Comic Con yesterday was a buzzing with questions over whether or not the dynamic duo would return for another movie. Look for yourself… As mysterious and enigmatic as always!!! ‘A film would be great!’ David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson reveal another X-Files movie could be in the pipeline as they reunite at Comic Con By SARAH BULL and JENNIFER PEARSON PUBLISHED: 19:30 EST, 18 July 2013 | UPDATED: 06:56 EST, 19 July 2013 The unspoken attraction between Mulder and Scully formed the backbone... Read more

July 20, 2013

  Professional WHAT? I am tempted to write in “ditch digger” or “zombie stalker” on my name tag. I wouldn’t be the first. So as soon as the kid wakes up we get to head back down for another day of becoming so exhausted we sleep in until 10am the next morning. It’s a vicious cycle, but someone’s got to do it!   So today is the BIG day, in terms of people being at the Con who don’t have... Read more

July 19, 2013

What a day…Fridays at Comic Con are always nuts as people begin their weekend early. Lots of activity in the main hall, people lining up for HOURS to get freebies, and of course for the panels. I was told people camped out overnight for the bigger panel tickets. HUH? OK, I love my shows but not sure I’d go to that extent, still…if you’re a true diehard fan, you do what you gotta do! Outside the convention center, every bus... Read more

July 19, 2013

Yawn…getting ready to head on down to the Con…looking forward to another day of total geekdom and TONS of cool stuff. Friday is usually a HUGE day and there are a whole new slew of panels and events, including the most anticipated of the weekend… THE WALKING DEAD PANEL – Series stars Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Steven Yeun, Lauren Cohan, Danai Gurira, David Morrissey, Scott Wilson, and Chad Coleman join executive producer and showrunner Scott Gimple, executive producer Robert Kirkman, executive producer Gale Anne Hurd, executive producer Dave Alpert, and special effects makeup supervisor... Read more

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