Dirty Politics

Dirty Politics November 20, 2007

So Hilary Clinton’s camp is spreading rumors that they know of some scandal about Barack Obama. But they are saying that out of their magnanimity they will not say what it is.

Now just dissect that. The Clintonistas are managing to spread a rumor designed to weaken the public’s confidence in Obama. But since they “are not saying what it is,” they do not have to prove anything. They are slandering him without having to come up with anything against him. And their malice is hidden in a facade of doing good.

Obama says to bring it out, that he has absolutely nothing to hide. Whereupon the Clintonistas are blaming him for over-reacting, saying that his angry reaction proves his political inexperience. This Catch-22 political tactic is low, contemptible, and Machiavellian, an example of what we can expect from this candidate and–very likely–this future administration.

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