Fatherless Child

Fatherless Child December 14, 2007

Barack Obama has experienced the defining trauma of our culture: He has been abandoned by his father.

Read that linked article for an account of a truly evil man, whose son–to his credit–is responding to the emotional devastation he felt by trying hard to be a good father to his own children.

The syndrome of growing up without a father in the home has devastated the African-American community–so much for the charge that Obama is unconnected to the black experience–but it is also a growing devastation among divorce-prone whites.

The ill-effects of not having a father in the home–or of having a father in the home who is utterly unconnected to his children, which is much the same thing–have been thoroughly documented. They include the “hyper-masculinity” that sends boys to gangs in search of male role models and that lead them act out their macho fantasies in violence. Also the “hyper-femininity” of girls, leading them to sluttish dress and promiscuity in a sad effort to make themselves wanted by a man.

It does not have to end this way, as we see with Obama and many more. Other male role models can step forward to help fill the void. And God Himself in His Word gives many provisions and promises to the “fatherless,” to the point of promising Himself to fill that role: to be “the father of the fatherless” (Psalm 68:5).

But of all vocations, THIS is the one, arguably, in most need of restoration today.

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