The Wise Men

The Wise Men January 7, 2008

It was certainly good to get back to our own church after weeks of holiday travel, and we came back to an excellent Epiphany sermon.

The Wise Men, we were told, did not get very far using earthly wisdom: They came to Jerusalem, logically enough but wrong, looking for the new King. Worse, they naively asked the old king for information about the new king who would replace him. It was when they started to follow God’s Word (the prophecy in Micah about the Messiah coming from Bethlehem) that they made progress. [My aside: Notice how the Bible helped them interpret the star, not the other way around. We get so caught up with trying to interpret the Bible that we neglect that the Bible is what interprets us!]

When the Wise Men found the Christ child, who was against all appearances of what worldly wisdom would say a king should be, they worshipped him. As Pastor Douthwaite put it, “they returned wiser than they came.”

Read the sermon for yourself here.

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